Brilliant work!

kamal kishor sen (STUDENT Rajasthan) (2156 Points)

01 July 2011  

                                                                 Brilliant work!
This now makes us 42 years behind china. india is still a 3rd world economy.
look at our engineering skills..a 50m foot over bridge falls at delhi during commonwealth requires our army to fix it in time. there was a sense of bravado when the mumbai sea link was opened.....which in itself is a poor work of engineering...and they fought for months to choose a name for it..
Indian railways has been working since 15 years to connect srinagar to india (jammu) may take another 10 years to do it while china has connected tibet on high speed railway in 3 years.
Corruption and lethargy rules india. we need to outsource all work to countries like china to speed up and save money of the nation...this can start by asking them to build a 100000 room jail to lock up all politicians and corrupt people.(the jail would have a gym/wi fi/ 100 channel cable tv/multi cuisine good toilets/etc.ok) (unity in diversity)