!..are you ready for 2013..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

20 December 2012  



Do you know there are 11 days left till New Year?

I can't believe how fast this year has ended. It seems like it had just flown by.

Here are some things that has taught me about goal setting so far:

1: Failure is not an option

Have you noticed that babies just don't accept  failure as an option? It doesn't matter how many 
days it takes them to learn how to grab a spoon or how to turn over.

They persist until they encounter success.

If babies knew what failure is, many of us would still be lying on our backs dangling our legs.

2: Small things are the most important ones

Life is not about big goals, it is about small experiences.

We often focus too much on our big outrageous goals and we forget to enjoy the happiness we have right 

We forget that life consists of small everyday experiences and it is what the happiness is made of.  A walk in the park, a smile of your baby, a beautiful sunrise, unexpected compliment from a stranger... Those are the moments that count most.

3: Happiness lies in the journey not in the destination

Babies don't sit and think "I will be happy once I learn how to crawl." They are happy in the process  of learning how to crawl.

They don't attach their happiness to some future event, simply because they have no understanding of  time and future events.

There is only one option for them: be happy now.

They focus on the process and they are always in the  present.

4: Cuddles make everything better

They just do. :)

I want you to make a commitment to yourself to make 2013 year the best year of your life. I have a  feeling that mine 2013 will be amazing and I want to help you to make your 2013 amazing as well.


What's your Resolution.....??? yes