Sample chapter on company law for CS Executive To enrol the subject on 'Company Law for CS Executive' - http://www.caclubindia.com/coaching/287-company-law.asp #pdf
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Z:\Tejpaleco&comlaw16\c.law-conTenTs.indd seRVeR mk-up jb 28-6-2016 1 Ch a p t e r-h e a d s Page chapTeR 1: IntroductIon 1 chapTeR 2 : tyPes of comP anIes 15 chapTeR 3 : PromotIon and IncorPoratIon of comP anIes27 chapTeR 4 : memorandum of assocIatIon andartIcles of assocIatIon 37 chapTeR 5 : contracts and conversIons 59 chapTeR 6 : concePt of caPItal and fInancIng of comP any65 chapTeR 7 : alteratIon of share caPItal 85 chapTeR 8 : PrIvate Placement and ProsPectus 94 chapTeR 9 : debt caPItal 108 chapTeR 10 : creatIon and regIstratIon of charge 120 chapTeR 11 : allotment of securItIes & Issue of certIfIcates 128 chapTeR 12 : membershIP In comP any 139 chapTeR 13 : transfer and transmIssIon of securItIes 148 chapTeR 14 : InstItutIon of dIrectors 159 chapTeR 15 : IndePendent dIrectors 204 chapTeR 16 : board and Its Powers 211 chapTeR 17 : aPPoIntment and remuneratIon of Key managerIal Personnel (KmP) 264 chapTeR 18 : general meetIngs 294 chapTeR 19 : loan and Investments by comP any 327 chapTeR 20 : dePosIts 338 chapTeR 21 : accounts and audIt 347 chapTeR 22 : dIvIsIble ProfIts and dIvIdends 379 chapTeR 23 : board’s rePort and dIsclosures 391 chapTeR 24 : regIsters, forms and returns 395 chapTeR 25 : InsPectIon and InvestIgatIon 398 chapTeR 26 : majorIty rule – mInorIty rIghts (oPPressIon-mIsmanage- ment) 412 Z:\Tejpaleco&comlaw16\c.law-conTenTs.indd seRVeR mk-up jb 28-6-2016 2 2 chaPter-heads Page chapTeR 27: merger, demerger, amalgamatIon, comPromIse and ar- rangement 431 chapTeR 28 : Producer comP anIes 445 chapTeR 29 : lImIted lIabIlIty PartnershIP 466 chapTeR 30 : aPPlIcatIon of comP any law to dIfferent sectors 476 chapTeR 31 : offences, PenaltIes and theIr comPoundIng 477 chapTeR 32 : wIndIng uPof comP anIes 484 chapTeR 33 : strIKIng off name of comP anIes 510 chapTeR 34 : an IntroductIon to e-governance and Xbrl 514


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