Labour Compliance #pdf
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Statutory Labour Law Maintenance Karnataka Shops & Commercial Establishments Act, 19 61 and Rules, 1963 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of Leave with wages – Form – F. 2. Leave book – Form – H. 3. Lime Washing – Form – I. 4. Appointment Order – Form – Q. 5. Combined Muster Roll cum wages Register – Form -T. 6. Inspection Book. Submission of Returns 1. Combined Annual Return Form – U. Displays 1. Abstract of the Act (Local Language & English). The Employees’ Provident Funds And Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 And Employees’ Pension Scheme 1 952 Submission of Returns 1. Form of nomination Form – 2 2. Change in Particulars of branches, directors etc., – FORM – 5 A. 3. Transfer of PF Account Form – 13. 4. Withdrawal of pension scheme Form – 10C. 5. Provident fund claim Form – 19. 6. Death claim Form – 20. 7. Application for monthly pension Form – 10D. 8. Online Registration for ECR. 9. Monthly ECR generation on online. Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 And (General) Regulation, 1950 Maintenance of registers 1. Accident Book , Report of Accidents from Employer – FORM 11 & 12. Submission of Returns 1. Family declaration Form – 1 2. Addition & Deletion in family declaration Form – 2. 3. Annual Information – FORM – 01(A). 4. Online Data Entry to obtain insurance number to eac h employee 5. Online Challan Generation – Monthly 6. Pehachan cards follow up. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 And Karnataka Rules, 19 66 Maintenance of registers 1. Muster Roll – FORM – A. Displays 1. An Abstract of the Act in English and Kannada. FORM – J. Note: This Act is not applicable provided the establishment covered under ESI Act. Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification Of Vacancies) Act, 1959 And Rules, 1960 Submission of Returns 1. Quarterly Return in ER-I to be submitted to Local E mployment Exchange for Quarter ending March, June, September and December. – FORM – ER I (Within 30 Days). 2. Occupational Return in ER-II to the local Employmen t Exchange once in 2 Years – FORM – ER II. 3. Notification of vacancies to Employment Exchange.- FORM – X6. Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965 & Rules, 19 68 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of wages. – FORM – A. 2. Consolidated register of unclaimed wages and fines. – FORM – B. Submission of Returns 1. Extract of the Consolidated register of unclaimed w ages and fines to be forwarded to the Welfare Commissioner by Jan 31st of every ye ar. 2. Statement of unpaid accumulations and fines realize d from employees to be submitted to the Welfare Commissioner by 15th of Ap ril, July, October & January. 3. Employer & Employee Contribution to be send to Labo ur Welfare board within 15th January. – Form – D. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 And Karnataka Rules, 1958 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of Fines 2. Deductions & Advances – FORM – I. 3. Register of Overtime. – FORM – IV. 4. Register of Wages – FORM – V. 5. Wage Slip – FORM – VI. 6. Muster Roll – FORM – VII. Submission of Returns 1. Annual return within 1st Feb of every year – Form – III. Display 1. An abstract of Minimum Wages Act & Rules. 2. Weekly Holiday, Working hours and time for payment of wages. – Form -III. Payment Of Bonus Act, 1965 And Rules, 1975 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of Computation of Allocable Surplus – Form – A. 2. Register of Set on and Set-off of the allocable Sur plus – Form – B. 3. Register of Bonus paid to employees – Form – C. Submission of Returns 1. Annual Return in FORM – D within 30 days of the tim e limit prescribed. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and Rules, 1973 Maintenance of registers 1. Nomination Form – F Display 1. An Abstract of Payment of Gratuity Act and Rules. – FORM – U. Payment Of Wages Act, 1936 & Karnataka Rules, 1963 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of Advances, Fines and Deductions for Dama ges – FORM – I. Display 1. Rates of salary to the employees – FORM – VI. 2. Abstract of the Act – FORM -V. Employees Compensation Act, 1923 & Karnataka Rules, 1966 Display 1. Abstract of the Act – Form – 36. Note: This Act is not applicable provided the estab lishment covered under ESI Act. Equal remuneration Act 1976 Maintenance of registers 1. Register of employment – Form – D Karnataka Industrial Establishments (National & Fes tival Holidays) Act, 1963 And Rules, 1964 Submission of Returns 1. The Statement of National & Festival Holidays to be sent to the Inspector and copy of the same to be displayed on Notice Board Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970 & Karnataka Rules, 1974 Note: The Act is applicable to every establishment in which 20 or more Contract labour are employed. Maintenance of registers 1. Register of contractors to be maintained by the pri ncipal employer. – Form -XII. 2. Register of persons employed by the contractor – FO RM XIII. 3. Employment Card – FORM XIV. 4. Service certificate – FORM XV. 5. Muster Roll cum Wages 6. Register – FORM T. 7. Wage slip – FORM XIX. 8. Register of Advances 9. Fines and Deductions for Damages – FORM – I. 10.Register of OT – FORM XXIII. Submission of Returns 1. Annual Return to the Registering Officer – FORM XXV / FORM U. 2. Half Yearly Return to be sent to licensing officer – FORM XXIV. 3. Notice of commencement / completion of contract wor k – FORM XXVI. Displays 1. Rates of Wages, Wage Period and Date of Payment of Wages & Unpaid Wages. 2. Hours of work. 3. Name and address of the Inspector having jurisdicti on. 4. Abstract of the Act & Rules in English and Kannada. 5. Licenses of the contractors. Professional Tax Act Submission of Returns 1. Monthly Returns Form – 5A. 2. Yearly returns Form – 5. The Factories Act, 1948 And Karnataka Factories Rul es, 1969 1. Record of Lime Washing, Painting, etc. -Form – 6. 2. Report of examination of pressure vessel or plant. – Form -7. 3. Register of Compensatory Holidays. – Form – 8. 4. Register of Overtime – Form – 9. 5. Register of adult workers. – Form -11. 6. Register of leave with wages: – Form – 14 [1 day fo r every 20 days of work performed]. 7. Leave book – Form – 15. 8. Muster Roll – Form – 22. 9. Register of Accidents and dangerous occurrences – F orm – 23. 10.Form of Nomination – Form – 25. 11.Register of Exemption – Form – 28. 12.Particulars of Rooms in the Factory – Form – 29. 13.Examination of Hoist/lift – Form – 31. 14.Examination of cranes /lifting machines – Form - 32. 15.Uniform Register – Form – 33. 16.Inspection Book. Submission of Returns 1. Notice of Accident/dangerous occurrence resulting i n death or bodily injury. – Form -17. 2. Notice of dangerous occurrence which does not resul t in death or bodily injury. – From -17A. 3. Combined Annual Returns Form – 20 (within 1st Febru ary of every year). 4. Half yearly Return – Form – 21 (within 15th of July & January). Displays 1. Weekly Holiday List. 2. Notice of periods of work for adult workers. Form – 10. 3. Abstract of the Act and Rules on the Notice Board. – Form -19.


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