ICAI - Announcement Final Course qualified students are allowed to join the course and do ISA Professional Training ..
18th March, 2008 No.13-CA(EXAM)/CPT/June/2008: - In pursuance of Regulation 22 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is pleased to notify that the Common Proficiency Test will be held on Sunday, the 8th June, 2008 in two s..
We are getting representations from students expressing difficulties in getting registration for undergoing 100 Hours IT Training at Branch/DCO IT Centres. In this regard, it has been decided to enroll students according to following preferences to enable the students to undergo the tr..
ICAI - Press Release Proposed Scheme of Accounting Technician Course; ICAI allows training for Chartered Accountancy Course outside India; 3-Months Residential Programme for CA students on Professional Skills Development. (I) Proposed Scheme of Accounting..
ICAI Announcement Helpline – May 2008 Examinations Help Line Desk - Admit Ca..
Important Announcement relating to November, 2008 Examination - (11-09-2008) No. BOS/Ancmnet/PE-II/227/2008 September 11, 2008 Attention of students is invited to the BOS/Ancmnet/PE-II/2008 dated September 2, 2008, wherein it was notified that the students belonging to Pr..
Bos/Ancmnet/PE-II/2008 August 22, 2008..
REGISTRATION FORM ICAI INTERNATIONAL Conference on Accounting Profession - Shining Bridge between Global Economies 20th - 22nd November, 2008 at JAIPURVenue: B.M. BIRLA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTRE, JAIPUR REGISTRATION DETAILS Category Up to20th Oc..
cs foundation, intermediate and final results declaration...
Announcement Result of the Common Proficiency Test held on 3rd February, 2008 is expected to be declared on Tuesday, the 26th February, 2008 around 12 Noon. ..
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies