C.P.T. result

Last updated: 20 February 2008

Result of the Common Proficiency Test held on 3rd February, 2008 is expected to be declared on Tuesday, the 26th February, 2008 around 12 Noon.

February 19, 2008

The result of the Common Proficiency Test held on 3rd February, 2008 is expected to be declared on Tuesday, the 26th February, 2008 around 12 Noon and the same as well as the merit list (candidates securing a minimum of 60% and above marks and upto the maximum of 10th rank) on all India basis will be available on the following website:


Arrangements have also been made for the students desirous of having results on their e-mail addresses to pre-register their requests at the above website, i.e., http://www.caresults.nic.in from 21st February, 2008. All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result.
Further facilities have been made for students of Common Proficiency Test held in February, 2008 desirous of knowing their results with marks on SMS. The service will be available through MTNL, India Times and Reliance.
For getting results through the message students should type:
CACPT(space)XXXXX (Where XXXXX is the five digit Common Proficiency Test Roll number of the candidate)
e.g. CACPT 00028
and send the message to:
52001 - for DOLPHIN AND TRUMP users only
58888 - for all mobile services - India Times


for Reliance subscribers (Also accessible through R-World and Voice Portal – To call 51234 from Reliance Mobiles)


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