Why articleship is must?

Ajay Kamal (Article) (684 Points)

20 June 2011  


Why article ship is must?


Chartered Accountancy is a professional course. An important element of the course is the Article ship training of three or three and a half years depending on the scheme of the education and training you are in. A few questions often boggle the students. Why is the article ship training so long? Why is it needed or required? However, from my experience as a student  I wish to emphasize the need of article ship training. In case you belong to the group of students who are not able to understand the importance of article ship, you need to change your perspective. You must read this article.

Some of the students are unable to understand the importance of article ship training and takes it lightly. Either they think that it is a waste of time or they are more involved in their theoretical part of studies. If you are one of them, then please take care, passing examination is important but understanding practical aspects of the profession is even more important. Given the practical nature of the question paper, you stand a better chance to pass the examination if you properly undergo the practical training. The following points highlight the importance of article ship training:

o    Practical Approach,

o    confidence,

o    knowledge

o    Career.

The following discussion makes these points clearer:

1.        Practical Approach: as per the current scenario, a student who pass at least first group of integrated professional competence course (IPCC) can start article ship training. Till IPCC, a student is only a student but as soon he starts his practical training, the approach changes. The student starts feeling like a professional, seriousness towards article ship training is required. This practical approach helps in the examinations as well. If you analyse the question papers particularly of examination, you will find that maximum question are of practical nature, and they cannot be easily solved by merely knowing what is available in study material or book.

2.       Confidence: I need not explain that how much confidence is required to make a good career. However, it is important to discuss that how such a confidence can be built up. I think the article ship training is most important is this regard. Student, who are serious towards article ship training, handle the projects independently and interact with the industry professional, this gives them confidence, which help them in examination as well as is their career.

3.       Knowledge: knowledge makes a professional perfect. Without knowledge one professional is just professional by name. Using the words ‘CA’ as prefix to your name is not enough to make you professional- actual knowledge is required.

4.        Career: we all aspire and work hard for a better career. Is it possible to make a career in chartered accountancy without proper practical training? The answer is clear and a big “no”. two major career opportunities are available for the chartered accountants after completion of course, viz., job and practice. If we talk about the first one, your pass certificate can at best give you an interview letter. But what next. It is difficult to face the interview board and convince them of your knowledge. The experienced interviewers will assess your depth of knowledge or lack of it within no time. Even if you get a job, you cannot perform well or deliver the desired results and your survival in organizations will be at stake. At the same time as far as practice is concerned, it is impossible to set up one without practical knowledge.


Chartered Accountants, as professional, command a very high dignity in the country. The society expects a lot from them. Fulfillment of this expectation is possible only when they undergo proper training and pass the examinations.




From Ajay kamal