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Who is anna...???????

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Abhimanyu Bind (CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)   (2049 Points)
Replied 20 August 2011



Originally posted by : Arvind Sharma


and I am little bit confused with all such activities., as why this all happening now, as the concept of lokpal was firstly proposed in 1968..., where was Anna at that time...???

Ohh., ya I got it.., he way driving taxies in Indian Millitry......


It sound very funny, that a 7th standard faild person, is guding whole India to make a Lokpal... :D :D :D


what can be worse than this...?????????


Now have a look upon attached file... :-/


Hope, this forum dont get deleted... :-/ 

@ Arvind

Mr. Arvind, with due respect I want to say that you have shown a lack of Knowledge about Anna Hazare and thats why you posted a very very silly line " It sound very funny, that a 7th standard faild person, is guding whole India to make a Lokpal... :D :D :D".

You have made only your fun by posting this line. You talked about Anna Hazare's qualification, Have you tried to know about the team members of Anna Hazare? Definietly not, otherwise you never posted such silly thing on this platform,

Please update your knowledge by reading about Anna Hazare's team members,

(1) Shanti Bhusan - Senior Lawyer- Supreme Court, Ex- Law Minister of India

(2) Prashant Bhusan - Lawyer in Supreme Court - (Expert in PIL)

(3) Kiran Bedi - First Woman IPS officer of India (former Delhi Police Commissioner), Member of UN 

(4) Arvind Kejrival - Former IRS officer - Ex Assitant Commissioner of Income Tax - Delhi

(5) Manish Sisodia - Former Journlist

(6) Santosh Hegde - Retired Chief Justice of India and Recently Retired From the post of Lokayukt Karnatka all know

So, does any more clarification needed to you about  Anna Hazare and there team members?These expert people of Anna Hazare team are involved in Lokpal draft not Anna Hazare alone preparing Lokpal Bill and also we Indian's are supporting this Lokpal Bill.

And I think you forgot about RTI where ANNA HAZARE and ARVIND KEJRIVAL supported a lot. First Get proper knowledge and then comment. Hope you understand my points. 

You are talking the language of Digvijay Singh and Congress.

I request to all members of the CCI to reply on your comment properly.


Hope you don't need any more clarfication about Anna Hazare.

Above was the reply for your comments only.


Jay Hind and Proud to be an Indian

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 21 August 2011

Ok Guys.....


Share here more about team and proposed lokpal....

Hement (Article) (29 Points)
Replied 21 August 2011

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 21 August 2011

Originally posted by : Abhimanyu Bind


@ Arvind

Mr. Arvind, with due respect I want to say that you have shown a lack of Knowledge about Anna Hazare and thats why you posted a very very silly line " It sound very funny, that a 7th standard faild person, is guding whole India to make a Lokpal... :D :D :D".

You have made only your fun by posting this line. You talked about Anna Hazare's qualification, Have you tried to know about the team members of Anna Hazare? Definietly not, otherwise you never posted such silly thing on this platform,

Please update your knowledge by reading about Anna Hazare's team members,

(1) Shanti Bhusan - Senior Lawyer- Supreme Court, Ex- Law Minister of India

(2) Prashant Bhusan - Lawyer in Supreme Court - (Expert in PIL)

(3) Kiran Bedi - First Woman IPS officer of India (former Delhi Police Commissioner), Member of UN 

(4) Arvind Kejrival - Former IRS officer - Ex Assitant Commissioner of Income Tax - Delhi

(5) Manish Sisodia - Former Journlist

(6) Santosh Hegde - Retired Chief Justice of India and Recently Retired From the post of Lokayukt Karnatka all know

So, does any more clarification needed to you about  Anna Hazare and there team members?These expert people of Anna Hazare team are involved in Lokpal draft not Anna Hazare alone preparing Lokpal Bill and also we Indian's are supporting this Lokpal Bill.

And I think you forgot about RTI where ANNA HAZARE and ARVIND KEJRIVAL supported a lot. First Get proper knowledge and then comment. Hope you understand my points. 

You are talking the language of Digvijay Singh and Congress.

I request to all members of the CCI to reply on your comment properly.


Hope you don't need any more clarfication about Anna Hazare.

Above was the reply for your comments only.


Jay Hind and Proud to be an Indian

Now comment on views by "Mr. Nandal Nilekani"

Anna Hazare's campaign simplistic and "uni-dimensional": Nandal Nilekani

NEW DELHI: The rapid rise of Anna Hazare from local activist to national anti-corruption saviour has not been without its critics, some of whom see serious flaws in both the man and his tactics. 

The extensive and overwhelmingly supportive media coverage of Hazare's campaign for tougher laws against official graft has largely drowned out the dissenters, but they have not been silenced altogether. 

One high-profile critic is Nandan Nilekani, the co-founder of software giant Infosys Technologies who is currently heading a government project to provide biometric ID cards to India's 1.2 billion people. 

In an interview, Nilekani said Hazare's populist campaign was simplistic and "uni-dimensional" with its focus on forcing the government to strengthen an anti-corruption bill currently before parliament. 

"I am not a great believer that if you pass a law, corruption will miraculously vanish," Nilekani said, suggesting that Hazare had raised people's expectations to unrealistic levels. 

"If you really want to address corruption, it is a very multi-dimensional mosaic of things ... There is no quick fix. This requires hard work." 

Hazare's protest is centred on the so-called "Lokpal Bill," which would create the post of an ombudsman to monitor senior politicians and bureaucrats. 

The 74-year-old activist strongly opposes the bill's exclusion of the prime minister and top judicial officials from the ombudsman's scrutiny and is currently staging a 15-day fast to demand that the legislation be re-drafted. 

Nilekani said the use of a hunger strike to try and force the legislative hand of an elected parliament was "extremely dangerous and completely wrong" in a country proud to be known as the world's largest democracy. 

Prominent Supreme Court lawyer Pinky Anand voiced similar reservations over what she saw as the rigidity of Hazare's position in his standoff with the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 

"We have a situation where we have an elected parliament which is mandated to prescribe, enact and enforce laws, and a person who is saying 'my way or the highway'," Anand told AFP. "It's an aberration of democracy." 

Hazare argues that he has a "people's mandate" -- a claim vividly backed up on Friday by the hundreds of thousands of ecstatic supporters who cheered him through the streets of Delhi as he set off to begin his public hunger strike. 

"Anna is India and India is Anna" was the way one of his top advisers and senior campaign leaders, Kiran Bedi, put it in an emotional speech to the crowds gathered at the protest site. 

But Delhi University political analyst Rajendra Dayal countered that populist support was not a licence for dictating policy. 

"Hazare cannot just say whatever he wants should be accepted. In a democracy there is a deliberative process which needs to be respected," Dayal said. 

And there are some flickers of a possible media backlash, with an editorial in The Hindu newspaper on Saturday under the title "Anna is not India, nor India Anna." 

Noting Hazare's commitment to the guiding philosophies of his hero Mahatma Gandhi, The Hindu suggested that India's independence icon would have been horrified by the "mood of triumphalism" that has crept into the Hazare camp. 

"Democratic, progressive, political India needs to find its own way," the editorial said. 

Anupama Jha, who heads the Indian chapter of anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International, said there was much to be admired in Hazare's success in pushing corruption up the political agenda. 

But, like Nilekani, she questioned the basis of the growing belief among Hazare's supporters that a stronger Lokpal Bill would act as a panacea to purge India's corruption woes. 

"The law he wants will, at best, only act as a deterrent because implementation is such a difficult issue," Jha said, pointing to the deep roots the corruption culture has laid down over the decades.

Now comment here..., and please use mind instead moking other voice.. :-/

Abhimanyu Bind (CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)   (2049 Points)
Replied 22 August 2011

At least these peoples are using there brain  before commenting and they are not raising foolish questions like qualifications of Anna Hazare and the people who has commented such brainless thin have already get their answers I don't need to comment any more here.

And yes write your own points instead of coppying others. Its only shows you have no points to write.

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 22 August 2011



As far above conversation, I shared whatever I got on internet...

Now, that's my view points...

Everyone is following footstep of Anna Hazare and his team... Thats good that Indian Peoples are joing hand against Corruption....

But what will happend after Lokpal Bill become act...???

This movement will get stop...???? May be or not.... whatsoever....

The main point should be to fight for forcing Govt to punish corrupt peoples using existing system... I dont think the present system is bad... If Raju Ram Lingum can be send behind Jail on the basis of a letter (which was not proved whether is being written by him or not, the letter was faxed but you can not find number from it send), then why not others...???

Why there is Judiciary, CBI, Intellegence, CVC and like others...??? After Lokpal Bill., one will also added with this... i.e. Lokayukt....

While going through Jan Lokpal Bill (as recommended by Anna Hazare and his team), 

I come to know that, 


The Lokpal shall have a prosecution wing (CBI’s prosecution wing to be under Lokpal)


The CBI, when investigating cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, shall be under the Lokpal.


i.e. CBI, then will work under Lokayukt. Do anyone think that on the basis of CBI report, any corrupt person has been punnished..???

The members of the Lokpal shall be removed by the President on the recommendation of the Supreme Court made within 3 months" - i.e. President will remove any currupt member of Lokpal, In other sence, there may be chance that Member of Lokpal Team may be also Currupt (I hope not to be)...


- The Lokpal shall appoint retired judges or retired civil servants as judicial officers. A bench of judicial officerscan impose penalty on a public servant after conducting an inquiry. The decision shall be subject to approval from a higher authority to be prescribed.

i.e. instead of Supreme Court or High Court Judge's order, then, after Lokpal Bill, a Bench of Retired Judge will impose Penalty, after inquiry... Well, do you anyone think, that at present Supreme Court is itself fail, then how can Likayukt will work..???



What is the puropse of making this fight...??? is it to pass Lokpal Bill as this team and normal people want..??

As far I understood.., this fight should moved to punish corrupt persons instead of forcing to make a law, because, existing law itself are sufficient if applied properly..

May be I am wrong for some points, so please clearfy.. I am not criticising this all., but it sould not be concerned on that Lokpal (using title India Against Corruption)...

By this fight, peoples comes to know about who is Anna Hazare, but still they are not aware about Lokpal Bill....

After Lokpal Bill., the power to operate this Country will comes to a single person, i.e. Lokpal... don't, anyone get it in mind that what will happened if Lokayukt comes to be more corrupt...???

Peoples are supporting because they are believing that the fight is against Corruption...

But dear, this is not truth... 

The fight is for making an Act as per Anna Hazare and his team (and I will not say that they did wrong)...

The Act, which is meant to curb corruption and corrupt peoples...

What do anyone know about existing system against corrupt peoples...??? I think No....

After Lokpal, the existing system will get end, because Jan Lokpal is covering every field...

And who will headed this Lokayukt...???? the existing Judges/Retired Judges., who are not capable to punish corrupt peoples even after much CBI and Other Commission's enquiry....

Here, you all are professional..., instead of thinking by heart.., use Brain....

- what will happened if Power to govern this Country goes to a Single Person...??

- why after CBI enquiry and enquiry by other Commissions (headed by SC Judges)., corrupt peoples don't be punished by Judges...???

- who will get that Chairmen seat of Lokpal..., and what is the guarantee that he or she will not be corrupt..??

Please don't comment on me... 

I just shared Internet information..., and look that image file., being last page of Report by Justice Savant....


Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 22 August 2011

First Page....

Abhimanyu Bind (CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)   (2049 Points)
Replied 23 August 2011

Mr. very sorry to say, you given personal comments so get the same. Now, let talk about your doubts (yes doubts coz its seems you don't have proper knowledge about all which are going on)

I am going to solve your every doubt to the best of my knowledge. But very first, again you have tried to blame Anna by posting the Sawant Commissions report cover page which already out of news (i.e. a fake news intended to infamous Anna Hazare).

In detail it is an old report and that never proven Anna Hazare guilty (you can check earlier news and also read the above posted report first by yourself and then post here).

Now, let talk about Lokayukt in precise manner.

No one is saying that Lokayukt is a superman who will come and make everything perfect in the country. But we are very sure that it will help to stop curroption till 60 to 70%. (Do remember always, everything has its prons and cons and by considering all we have to choose a best option and Lokayukt is the best option at least in today's scenerio)

Now, you have raised a question on Honourable Supreme Court that why they are not acting various commissions, CBI and VIGILENCE COMMISSION Reports. 

I think you forgot about 2G case

where big leaders and officers are in jail only dure to Supreme court intereference and all these big cases like black money etc are being monitered by supreme court..

Vigilence commission works under Govt not under supreme court ok so supreme court can't do anything. VC only advice to govt about various cases to take action but its a well known fact that govt never accepts their advices.

Now again about various commission formed by govt so, these commission also report to parliament not to supreme court (and everyone except you knows that how much times these so called commission take and finally do nothing and wastes public money)

Now about CBI (your favourite).  CBI is not a independet body so, everytime they have to take permission to invistagate against govt officers and leaders, i.e. they have to take permission of those people against whom they are going to file charge. Now, a child can understand how they work and also a large numbers of CBI officers are facing charges and trials today.

Lokayukt will be independent from govt control and they don't require to take permission for investigations and filling cases and there will be a supporting structure to control so, don't worry and don't affraid you are going to be slave of Lokayukt and also people have seen Lokpal works in Delhi and Karnatka. 

I have a lot of thing to say but don't want to write endless because you don't have a basic idea even or you or any of your close person has concern with congress (as other members said) so, you are wasting our valuable time.

And Mr. we are thinking by brain but you are proving and forcing to comment unnecessary personal comments on you by your unnecessary time waste postings.

So, its request if you don't have idea then please shut your mouth and don't waste your and others time. Even after writing all these you are not able to understand then I am sorry only God can reply to your brainless postings not any member of CCI.

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 23 August 2011

You are saying bacuase of Supreme Court, some scamers are now behind jail... So why all this bulsh*t is going..???

Why not all...????

Why dont you peopleas use that existing system instead of blackmailing Govt to implement a Law as per you all...???

and I know very well about Lokpal in Karnataka.., if you see seriously, then you will come to know that the Lokayukt has commented upon only B.S. Yeddyurappa., what about others...???


And yes., only God can explain me, because, he knows verywell what will happend after this, and why all this is going...

U S Sharma (glidor@gmail.com) (21056 Points)
Replied 23 August 2011

Originally posted by : Arvind Sharma

You are saying bacuase of Supreme Court, some scamers are now behind jail... So why all this bulsh*t is going..???

- how many ppl are able to reach supreme court for their issues .........ask yourself ..........and reg the word used by youself ............displays your destiny :)

Why not all...????

Why dont you peopleas use that existing system instead of blackmailing Govt to implement a Law as per you all...???

- People used their voice to reach the system but govt manipulated the system several times to protect their corrupt politicians. 

and I know very well about Lokpal in Karnataka.., if you see seriously, then you will come to know that the Lokayukt has commented upon only B.S. Yeddyurappa., what about others...???


And yes., only God can explain me, because, he knows verywell what will happend after this, and why all this is going...

- all these are the voice of indians, its not only the lokpal but voice against corruption, and the people who are feed with corruption based resources can not understand the value of this motion :)



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Rahul Gupta (CS,M.COM, CA FINAL) (252 Points)
Replied 23 August 2011

we want to say only now we  should not give any reply to mr. arvind shah becoz now anna jis movement against corruption is going to get its desired end.

1-------govt. is also understanding the feelings of people.

2-------- waise bi india me agar koi accha kam kare to 90 log hi sath aate 10 log to ungliya karte rehte hai

3--------- even mahtma gandhi ji thought and actvities were also not liked by some people in that time

              ye to anna ji hai, aur aaj ka india hai.

4---------- now congress and congress agents are also joinining india against corruption movement.

              so, now we should not any pay attention to the issue of mr. arvind shah.

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Abhimanyu Bind (CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)   (2049 Points)
Replied 23 August 2011

Thanks a lot to you Mr. Rahul & Mr. Sharma.

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 24 August 2011


You dont need to reply now.. :)


But am sure, you will come again here after some years... :)

Please dont reply.., I have no more words.. :(

You has won this conversations.... :)


as am of that 10% who is not able to digest this fight...

And for all of your Information... india get freedom because of Shree Subash Chandra Bosh Fight....., the INA - Indian National Army.., which was purely against the Gandhi Ji's line... 

and that report which I shared here is not fake..., and is in process in Supreme Court of India which has to be considere by Chief Justice Mr. Kapadiya...


and if you all really want to reply here now., then tell me who is going to be next Prime Minister of India...????

Abhimanyu Bind (CA Final Student & Audit Assitant)   (2049 Points)
Replied 24 August 2011

He he Mr. Br....less Sawant Commission report has already been closed. Sawant commission was formed by GOVT OF INDIA not by SUPREME COURT. and the report was never observed by supreme court.

And Justice Kapadia k pas aur koi kam nai he kya ye faltu ki reports parne k sivay.

Do your CA its best for instead of talking brainless.

And yes Thank You Very Much for making us laugh every time by your brainless and foolish comments and talks .

You rightly posted your jokes in Humour section ha haa haaaa;)

And after many years surely you will be doing party with A. RAJA, RAJU MAHALINGAM, KANIMODI, SURESH KALMANI because you seems to be a gr8 fllower of Congress and these shinning jail stars and your case surely will be observed by Justice Kapadia.

1 Like

Arvind Sharma (ACA) (1432 Points)
Replied 24 August 2011

Okies... I sud stop... :) Thanks for making such fun.... bye

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