wen i becum a big boy

Sangam (CA) (1329 Points)

07 July 2009  

 When I Become a Big Boy

taken 4m d buk - you can win by shiv khera .. a must read book...
This is like the little boy who says when I become a big boy, I will do this and this and I
will be happy. And when he becomes a big boy he says, when I finish college and do this
and this and I will be happy. And when he finishes college he says when I get my first job
and do this and this I will be happy. And when he gets his first job he says when I get
married and do this and this and then I will be happy. And when he gets married he says
when the kids get out of school and I do this and this I will be I happy. And when the kids
get out of school, he says when I retire and do this and this, I will be happy. And when he
retires what does he see? He sees life has just gone by in front of his eyes.
So guys, decide it 4 urself..