This is just an attached file for quick downloading! For full results see Balu Sir's Forum. Thanks!
ANIRBAN DAS (CMA, B.Com, CA Final,) (1522 Points)
09 August 2011This is just an attached file for quick downloading! For full results see Balu Sir's Forum. Thanks!
Sagnik Chatterjee
(21 Points)
Replied 09 August 2011
ANy idea about the percentage of students who have passed???
(283 Points)
Replied 09 August 2011
Vinay Kanth
(27 Points)
Replied 09 August 2011
My apologies if I'm hurting anyone personally, but my conscious is forcing me do this.
A simple truth that I always loved to admit, despite a fact that I'm a Associate Member of ICWAI and Company Secretary as well, is that, the best exam I have ever written is my CA Inter/Final Exams.
But now, incontrovertibly, after looking at the results of CA IPCC I would say either of the two things below is true:
1. Either the standard of the CA Paper has gone down (Simple reason for this - In a genuine attempt just to read and understand the requirements of the Questions in Accounting Paper takes 3 to 4 mins each. Not sure how people have started scoring above 90. Its rather become a cake walk, I believe.)
2. Or, the abruptly emerging coaching institutions are making onerous effort to foresee the exact model of question paper (--:) In a race to build that unparalleled goodwill for their brand:)-- ).
I'm more worried about a day (God Forbid) when the most valued CA Degree would start getting ranked on par with anyother university degree.
CA Sahil Singla..
(Service Tax )
(3746 Points)
Replied 09 August 2011
Mr Vinay
THe reason could most probably be 2nd one...i don't feel that the standard of IPCC papers has gone down..i too a CA final student..but it's gud that students r getting gud marks......
Humera Memon
(33 Points)
Replied 14 August 2011
whats wrong with the institute????I think the main reason is rise in promotion of ca classes.The no. of ca aspirants is increasing especially FEMALES this has resulted in rise in competition. I think the institute has to come up with some strategy to maintain its standard.
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