Today's Astrology !!!!!!!!!

Robin (AUDITOR) (854 Points)

17 January 2010  

Hi Friends

This is for those who strictly believe in astrology, Following predictions for january month has been made. Definately connected with 17th Jan too !!


January 2010

• ARIES: MAR 21 – APR 19
Early in the month, you might be feeling a bit stifled as leftover problems from 2009 are still lingering. Fortunately, you have Sun, Mercury, and Venus coming together in conjunction to bring you out of the doldrums and into a more optimistic frame of mind.

Mid month expect the unexpected as Mercury ends its retrograde,and the Sun and Venus team with Uranus to help you make breakthroughs in solving old problems. Jupiter enters Pisces bringing opportunities if you pay attention to your intuition more than your logical mind. When Venus and the Sun enter Aquarius, expect your social life to pick up.

Late Month Saturn in your 7th house of partnerships sees you paying attention to more structure and working within the rules, especially with partners. Looking at self-discipline and commitments with fresh eyes will bring positive results. The Leo Full Moon on the 30th encourages you to be adamant about going after what you want. You might meet with resistance, but keep going anyway. Just don’t give in to anger, that will undo your progress.

Aries Tarot:
King of Pentacles. No matter what is happening in your life, you can draw on your rich inner self for resources, answers, assurance, and security. Be ready to defend you way of thinking if others try to change your mind about core issues.

• TAURUS: APR 20 – MAY 20
Early month, Venus bumps into Jupiter bringing a bit of a Pollyanna attitude about romance, plus a short temper. Keep you head and don’t make commitments until next month, even though Mercury comes in to help with easing tension. Venus and the Sun conjunct the Dragon’s Head (North Node) to attract people into your life who will be helpful and supportive. No matter the pressure, you will be able to keep your calm and your goodness shines through. 

Mid Month Venus and the Sun in Aquarius enter your 10th house of career and public image. Expect positive changes at work. People are looking at you with fresh eyes and are open and supportive of you. If you are looking for work, this might be your lucky month. If you want a raise, now is the time to ask. Helping also is Saturn trining Venus to give you a solid authority that others respond to.

Late Month, Venus and Mars oppose each other but in a playful way. You sparkle and are especially attractive and sensual now. Emotions become intense as the month ends and the Leo Full Moon brings out your sense of drama and passion.

Taurus Tarot: The Lovers. Decisions you make now will either take you into the future with sureness and success or keep you locked in the past. Look to your inner guidance for what to do, think, and feel right now when it comes to your sense of wholeness and self-worth.

• GEMINI: MAY 21 – JUN 21
Early Month, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun come together to bring out the writer and communicator in you, although you might be struggling with finding just the right words. When Uranus joins with Mars and Mercury, nothing can stop you. Go for it! Get the word out! Write, talk, sing! The Sun, Venus, and the Dragon’s Head (North Node) light up your love life with sweetness and warm fuzzies. Then, when Uranus comes in expect sparks to fly.

Mid Month, you might have the White Rabbit syndrome, “I’m late, I’m late.” The more you hurry, the more you seem to run behind. This changes when the Capricorn New Moon enters your 8th house. Suddenly things are better, especially with the help of Pluto, and Venus and the Sun entering into new signs. Start something new, bold, and adventurous.

Late Month, Venus and Sun join positively with Saturn to bring you a better sense of your security and stability, but don’t make commitments unless you have a “out” clause. With the Leo Full Moon and Mars, expect some conflict to poke its nose at you, especially since Saturn and Pluto bring out the stubborn streak in you. Take a deep breath and try to sit this one out.

Gemini Tarot: 6 of Pentacles (Coins). You are coming into a life cycle where you will have enough to share with those you deem deserving of your help. Also if you are in need, others will come to your aid.

• CANCER: JUN 22 – JUL 22

Early Month your feelings are a bit sensitive when it comes to partners due to Mercury and Venus tickling your emotions. Try not to take everything to heart for a couple of weeks. Venus and your Sun in the 7th house also brings a chance to re-evaluate your relationship needs and to express openly from the heart.

Mid Month,  the Solar Eclipse and Mercury turning direct on the 15th still activate relationship issues but now it is easier. Now is the time to let your partner know how you really feel and what you need. With work or career, planets in Capricorn bring you into a space where you are clear about what you want and how to get it. Your aura of authority will help you go far. Jupiter in Pisces in your 3rd house of communication adds an element of intuition to your situations and helps with saying just the right thing at the right time.

Late Month, the Sun and Saturn even out your life and brings new ideas in that will help you achieve your goals. But watch your communication around the 24-25, Mercury and Neptune may cloud your thinking. Mars also joins to make it easy for you to be misunderstood. Venus opposes Mars on the 27th to bring you into a playful and flirtatious mood.

Cancer Tarot:
Queen of Wands. Trust your intuition. Trust your feelings about decisions to make. You are ready to take the next step in life. No one can tell you what it is or how to do it. Only you have the answers that are right for you.

• LEO: JUL 23 – AUG 22
Early Month, Mars and Pluto may make you a bit touchy so watch your temper. This eases on the 5th when Mercury and Venus bring in more peaceful and playful feelings.

Mid Month, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn make you a bit forgetful. Pay attention to details to avoid problems later. Venus falls in your 6th house of health and work and plays with Uranus, the “Wake up” planet to wake you up to great possibilities for change in both your everyday life and in your emotional make up. Jupiter in Pisces brings out your intuitive side and helps you clarify relationships and make some needed changes.

Late Month, is time to let go and relax a little. With Venus in your 7th house in good aspect to steady Saturn, you can make plans for a future with a loved one that will have long lasting effects. The Sun comes into the picture on the 24th helping you make good decisions for your future.  On the 27th, Mars comes in to intensify any romantic feelings you have, then Pluto connects to agitate your emotions. You are not in the mood to just let anything slide. You are on the spot with what is and isn’t acceptable and don’t hesitate to say so.

Leo Tarot: Ace of Cups. Love coming and hope is real. New wonderfulness is heading your way. Gifts from the universe will take the shape and form of what is for your highest good, whether it is love, intuition, help, happiness, health, or contentment.

• VIRGO: AUG 23 – SEPT 22
Early Month, retrograde Mercury and the Sun give you an aura of confidence and assuredness, especially when you speak. People listen. You can easily make your point and others are influenced by your words. When Venus comes in on the 5th, you are also flirtatious and playful. When the North Node comes to play as well, you are downright charming.

Mid Month, Mercury goes direct and the Capricorn New Moon brings you into a more practical mood and a need to express more openly and plainly. You are focused and on a track to make your 2010 the best ever. Venus in your 6th house of work and health along with the Sun bring you into uncharted waters and urge you to expand your expectations of your self to accomplish even more.

Late Month, Mercury comes under the fuzzy, illusive influence of Neptune causing you to be a bit gullible and muddies your thinking a bit. On the other hand, you are extra creative and your imagination is rich with possibilities. On the 25th though, Venus and Uranus make you tense and a bit nervous. You aren’t sure of much and life seems to be changing quicker than you are comfortable with. Rely on your innate common sense to get you through this short period of instability.

Virgo Tarot: 3 of Swords. Woes, sorrows, emotional pain are all in your mind. Seek help to sort out these feelings and heal from them. You don’t have to keep these feelings. You can return to joy and light if you make the first step toward recognizing the truth of things.

• LIBRA: SEPT 23 - OCT 22
Early Month, the Sun and Uranus brings out your attractiveness. You are charming and people are drawn to you now. Venus and Neptune put stardust in your eyes and you may not be thinking realistically right now so take this time for creative pursuits. Mars comes in around the 7th to put some passion into your life but also a little edginess and impatience. On the 11th the Sun and Venus meet up and help you be clear headed and goal oriented.

Mid Month your impatience is in high gear and you are ready for Uranus to bring in some excitement. Mercury with Uranus with the Solar Eclipse on the 15th make you restless and wanting a change. Time to make some definite plans for a new direction.

Late Month brings Venus into your 5th house of romance and fun. You are playful and flirtatious but Saturn also brings you a sense of realism. You are looking for long term results with love rather than in the moment. It is also a good time to sign contracts or enter into a business partnership. On the 29th the Sun opposes Mars and falls smack into the Leo Full Moon. Bring in Saturn and Pluto and you are rethinking much of your life. It won’t be easy but the deep issues are coming up for you to make real and lasting change.

Libra Tarot:
The Magician. This powerful card shows that you have all the tools and resources necessary to make your goals a reality. You just need a little instruction and direction from others to get you going.

• SCORPIO: OCT 23 – NOV 21

Early Month, you are a bit on the edge as Mars and Pluto clash to push your buttons. Small things can turn into arguments if you don’t stop and think first. You may find yourself being overly sensitive and self-conscious when Mars contacts Venus.  

Mid Month, things ease when Venus in Aquarius touches your 4th house of home. The Sun joins Venus to relieve tension and help you relax. This is also a good time to resolve old issues.

Late Month, with Venus opposing Mars, romance is on your mind and you are extra charismatic right now. New love or a sparking of your current relationship is sure to light up your life. Be playful and enjoy yourself. On the 29th the Sun and Mars oppose each other and both form a stressful aspect to Uranus. Heavy hitters all and this trio is stirring up your life in surprising ways. Emotions are on a roller-coaster and you have flaashes of inspiration that solve old problems, invent new things, and move in a different direction. On the 31st Saturn squares of with Pluto, more intensity. Others are resistant to your ideas now and you won’t get what you want by being stubborn or forceful. Step back and use diplomacy and tact, or just wait it out.

Scorpio Tarot: 4 of Swords. Time to take some time out for recapturing peace of mind and a sense of calm well being. Maybe a bit of time away from regular routine or a trip all by yourself to be with yourself would be just the ticket.

Early Month the Sun and Venus join Mercury and Jupiter to light up your desire to shop, shop, shop. On the 4-5, Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your 2nd house of
money has you looking at your budget and thinking about money. Watch that you don’t rationalize spending you can’t afford. Things are better by the 11th as solutions for any financial woes come to you. Jupiter and Saturn come together in a positive way to bring resources and ideas to help with money. Venus and the Sun also aspect the Dragon’s Head (Moon’s North Node) to help you out with whatever you need.

Mid Month the Sun and Venus team with Uranus giving you energy, and creativity. You are raring to get going on your ideas but Saturn in retrograde gives you delays and obstacles. Mercury goes direct on the 15th to help a little, especially with communication The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn lands in your 2nd house of money and security causing you to look at your financial picture and how you can build a more secure future.

Late Month has Venus and Saturn together, then Sun Saturn on the 24th to help you make logical, practical decisions for your life. Common sense prevails over emotions and desires. Still, don’t ignore intuition, it is also strong now. On the 27th Venus and Sun oppose Mars to bring you into thinking about love and romance.  The Leo Full Moon on the 30th lands in your 9th house of
travel, adventure, and learning. You are looking for adventure. Mars and Uranus join the party and you are ready to take calculated risks to get what you want. Saturn and Pluto step in to help you realize what is a good risk and what is foolish. Listen to your intuition on this and resist being impulsive.

Sagittarius Tarot: 9 of Cups. The decisions you make this month will bring satisfaction and a sense of confidence in what you are trying to accomplish. You can have it all if you just stick to your course and allow your actions to be guided by your intuition.

Early Month Mercury, Venus, and the Sun join on the 4th giving you confidence but also a bit of stubbornness. You’ll do better if you think before defending an opinion or decision. At this time, you are also tempted to give too much information causing confusion in those you are communicating with. On the 11th the Sun and the Dragon’s Head (North Node) come together in your sign to bring possibilities of a love connection or a rekindling of an existing one. On a more mundane level, you are able to bring in support for your causes and work projects now.

Mid Monty Venus, the Sun and Uranus spice up your life with beautiful surprises and happy times that maybe you didn’t expect. Saturn comes in for a positive house cleaning of outmoded ideas, ways of working, and even people who should be let go of. When Mercury goes direct on the 15th and the Capricorn Eclipse come together, you are looking at new ways to expand your life and learn new things. It’s time to let go and enjoy your life more. Drop old personal rules that no longer apply to your happiness and well-being.

Late Month Venus and Saturn help you be calm, cool, and collected in the face of other people’s trauma drama. Although more responsibility may be coming your way, you handle it so well, it seems like play. With the Sun and Saturn aspecting on the 24th, you might find others coming to you for advice and help. On the 31st Saturn and Pluto turn up the intensity in your life to give you drive and determination to get ahead and achieve your goals. You might even be considering a change in career or life direction. Watch for power struggles from those who are either threatened or jealous of your direct line to success. It might be worth just letting something go in order to move ahead in other ways.

Capricorn Tarot: Two of Pentacles (Coins). Time to put your life into perspective. Juggling your resources to maximize their return is a positive thing to do. For example, some possibilities could be:  transferring
credit card balances to another account with lower interest; investing in something you know is solid; sending out notices to those who owe you; working for trade instead of dollars.

• AQUARIUS:  JAN 20 - FEB 18
Early Month be careful how you communicate with others, especially partners. The Sun and Uranus come together with Mars in the first week of January and any bending of truth or exaggerations will be challenged. Pluto comes in on the 3rd to bring you transformative charm and people are connecting with the beauty you have inside. Venus and Uranus add charisma and sparkle to your life. Starting on the 6th, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus help you make your dreams come true, that is if they are in alignment with your highest good. Ease up a bit and let the universe work. Don’t try to push the issues. Let your success unfold as it needs to.

Mid Month Uranus, the Sun, and Venus keep you in high creative gear as you come up with new ideas, and unusual solutions. When the Capricorn Eclipse lights up your 12th house of secrets and deep inner self, along with Mercury turning direct you are optimistic and very sure that you are close to attaining important goals, and you are as long as you keep to the course and don’t get distracted. You are helped when Jupiter goes into Pisces (it will be there until June) bringing you an acute intuition that attracts resources and opportunities.

Late Month Venus and the Sun light up your 1st house of self concept and identity. You are feeling good. Venus brings new people into your life that enhance your sense of self-worth and happiness. Saturn is in your 9th house to stabilize your life and bring in some really grand ideas and plans for a better future. Whatever you create now will have long lasting effects because Saturn is the planet of long term goals and stability. All this is great but watch the last few days of January when Venus, Mars and the Sun are fighting. You might feel a bit prickly and defensive now, especially with the Leo Full Moon in your 7th house of partners. Think before you speak and let it go.

Aquarius Tarot: Page of Swords. New ideas abound. They aren’t ready to put into action yet, but it’s time to think about thinking about great things. Let you mind run wild. Keep a journal of the ideas. Next month, decide what to act on and how.

• PISCES:  FEB 19  -  MAR 20

Early Month the Sun and Jupiter are giving you great feelings of confidence, but be sure you have the foundation to back up your plans, ideas, and claims before going ahead. You might also be on the receiving end of someone making promises that can’t be kept. On the 2nd Venus and Neptune bring out the romantic in you and a desire for some escapism. Channel it in healthy directions. Perhaps a trip the Disney “happiest place on Earth” might be in order, or a fantasy movie marathon. Mercury and Neptune join to bring your thinking into the “fuzzy” area so don’t make promises and put off important decisions until later in the month. You are especially prone to missing details right now. The only thing that is working well is your intuition, but it’s not time to act on what you get.

Mid Month things ease up and your thinking clears a bit. Jupiter in Pisces lights up your 1st house on the 17th bringing you more self confidence and grander plans for your future. Venus goes into your 12th house of secrets and deep inner self, giving you the opportunity for some effective self-reflection. The Sun adds his rays of light to bring you a time of positive transformation and new goals for a better, healthier you.

Late Month Venus and Mars bring out the romantic playfulness in you. You are attractive right now and it’s time to enjoy. On the 28th the Sun and Uranus bring in surprises and a need for more independence in your life. This is not a good time for commitments or signing contracts. This is especially true around the 29th as the Sun and Mars oppose each other, causing you to be a bit argumentative and touchy. On the 31st the powerhouse aspect of Pluto and Saturn dredge up old insecurities and concerns over health. Watch out also for power struggles that have been building since November of 2009. Unfortunately, these feelings might linger in one way or another until mid year.

Pisces Tarot:
The Sun. Couldn’t be a better card for you. Celebration, triumph, joy, happiness. It all comes from the hard work you put in last year. Time to relax a bit and rest on your laurels before having to start again working and building.