Submit Rectification online for the A.Y. 2009-10

CA Sanat Pyne (F.C.A. & M.COM) (20102 Points)

08 December 2010  


Department introduces new facility for online submission of rectification request in cases where processing was completed by CPC Bangalore. Please review the guide for common errors to first rectify the return submitted and generate the rectification xml using excel utility (same utility is to be used). Taxpayer can log in My Account-> Rectification-> Rectification upload and follow instructions to upload the rectification xml file. The rectification request will be processed at CPC and if found acceptable, then a rectification order u/s154 will be issued. Please download the manual for submission of rectification request. Please note that this facility is only for E-returns processed at CPC.

If you are thinking of seeking rectification of the intimation issued by Centralized Processing Center at Bangalore, then you must carefully review the Common Error Guide and the typical causes of error presented below in order to prepare an accurate rectification request and thereby ensure that you get a proper resolution from CPC in the form of an rectification order.

Please do not jump into conclusions or get misguided by others that there are mistakes in processing software; more likely than not the data in the e-return submitted by you was either incomplete or incorrect resulting in calculation different than what is expected by you.

For every variation between what you have computed as your tax liability and your refund and what was finally the outcome of processing at CPC there is a logical explanation and therefore, a possible resolution.
