Stress - how to manage!

jhony (MBA) (310 Points)

22 November 2012  

Life is what everyone is willing to live. It is like an ocean wave we have ups and downs but it still goes on…when we are in “UP’S” people will like to talk to you, make you their best companion, will invite you to their important events and will share with you all their worries, but when your stars get unfavorable those people only will not even look at you. These are not called Relationships these are called opportunistic relationship and stress is the result of these opportunistic relationships. When a child is born he is free of all of his worries but as soon as he get to know the world around him the level of stress start increasing and it it grows with the advancement of age.

We face various problems in our life but due to lack of experiences we don’t have the solution for it. Many a times when I was a kid i get myself into troubles I cannot share with my parents or peers but had to face that problem alone , this feeling gave me more tension and terror by thinking continuously about the problem and the way to solve it, and as I cannot disclose my problem to anyone it pushed me into a state of stress. Not only kids but adults too are the prey of these kind of situations and they keep Themselves busy in thinking about the problem and thereby increasing the same.

We work for achieving a specific goal. If after working hard to achieve that specific goal we achieve an entirely different result from what we were expecting a gap arises between expectation and reality, this gap produces stress and which in turn reduces our decision making skills which will result in GENERATING  negative thoughts which increases the stress, thus a person get himself stuck in a stress cycle which is very hard to break. Many persons because of getting stuck into this stress cycle took wrong decisions and felt more stressed in turn. Which results in decreasing appetite and health therefore grabbing various diseases . the old concept of “Healthy Body have Healthy mind” in today’s competitive world is been changed to “Healthy mind results in Healthy body”

We can feel stress because of various reasons the most important are :

  1. Wrong Career Choice:  this is the most important reason why these days people are stressed out. In their early days of education a simple wrong decision made of choosing their career field results in loss of enthusiasm to work which results in low productivity, more frequent job switches, conflicts etc.
  2. Not working Relationships: This factor is very important in one’s life. Relationships are the reason why a person is able to live. Man is a social animal and cannot exist if left alone. Emotional breakdowns results in a more permanent type of stress. It is a situation where a personal interest is at stake and we often do not like to share it with other people. It also hamper self image and people often question their ability to judge other people.
  3. Situation Placed : Often people are seen unproductive but in reality they are productive but the situation in which they are placed make them unproductive. For example if a person is a very good at shooting photographs but he is given a work to write essays then he will produce very bad essays and will be marked as unproductive. Or if we are very social but we just happen to spend our time with persons who are not social and friendly then stress will be there.

Apart from above main points there are numerous other reasons which can be placed in above broad categories now and then but the main categories or reasons why a person is stressed are the above three points.

There are various ways to overcome stress some do yoga, pranayam while  some do meditation and some go for stress therepy but one should understand that all these will not erase stress but can give you physical strength. If one want to completely get rid of stress we have to do the following steps :

  1. Do analysis of factors that you can control and factors you cant control. Often these are described as internal environment and external environment. Internal environment can be controlled but external is very hard to control.
  2. Relax your mind and try to avoid thinking about the problem for a day(here you can use pranayam and other catagories of options mentioned above which are available in detail on my blog
  3. Try to consult the problem with your elders to whom you are friendly or friends to whom you can trust. This will give you a kind of support and you are unknowingly doing brainstorming of your problem, you will be having a lots of ideas after this I can bet.
  4. Write down the important issues which constitute your problem. This will make you clearly understand what the problem really is and thus you can set your way to achieve your goal i.e solving it
  5. Now indicate what options you have to resolve the important issues you have just jotted down.
  6. Voila now you can pick up the best option which suits you the most
  7. Follow the plan and you will definitely reduce your stress level

It is well known that every problem is unique in its nature and cannot be solved by following a definite pattern but at least for time being we can resolve the same, its like giving the first aid to the patient and one should keep in mind that the every problem has a solution it depends on how we are solving it.

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