dear friends
on of the pvt ltd co had increased its authorised capital from 1 lac to 54 lacs, so what will be the amount of stamputy and filing fees payable.
(MBA (Finance) B.Com.(P))
(3443 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
here is the link to MCA site where you can calculate the roc fee
Asif Khan
(Taxation executive)
(410 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
dear praveen and murty i got roc fees but what is the stamp duty
(MBA (Finance) B.Com.(P))
(3443 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
attached herewith is the chart of stamp duty for your perusal
(Practicing CS)
(423 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Dear Asif Khan,
First Calculate stamp duty to be paid on Form-5 for Rs.54 Lacs as per the Chart given by Mr Praveenkumar and then subtract the duty paid earlier on the AOA for Rs.1 Lac. The Figure will be the stamp duty to be paid on Authorised Capital of Rs.56 Lacs.
(Practicing CS)
(423 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Sorry that will be the stamp duty to be paid on AUtho. Capital of Rs. 54 Lacs not Rs.56 Lacs as the Capital increases up to Rs.54 Lacs.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 04 July 2009
Dear Asif
First of all u specify the state in which the registered office is situated and then follow the stamp duty chart attached by Mr.Praveen. In this case u will pay stamp duty, if any of the increased capital, i.e. Rs. 53 lakh.
In case of ROC fee u follow schedule X of the Companies Act, 1956.
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 06 July 2009
In case you are increasing the Authorised Share Capital from Rs. 1 lacs to Rs. 54 lacs the filing fees of Form 5 wioll be 1,06,000/-
for the purpose of stamp duty you need to mention your State because stamp duly is levied on the basis of state and in some states it is NIl also.
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