Is it advisable to pass the Board resolution as given below for filing the statutory forms or should we authorise any director/secretary everytime when there is a need to file any form for any particular purpose ?
CS Ekta (Company Secretary) (309 Points)
15 July 2009Is it advisable to pass the Board resolution as given below for filing the statutory forms or should we authorise any director/secretary everytime when there is a need to file any form for any particular purpose ?
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 15 July 2009
One time resolution for authorisation to sign E form would be enough. No need to authorise again an again.
Ajay Mishra
(Company Secretary)
(74342 Points)
Replied 15 July 2009
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 15 July 2009
Hi Ekta,
As per my opinion based on prevalent corporate practice there is no need to give excess authorisation regarding government authorities and various other authorities when you are authorizing someone to sign MCA Eforms.
I am using the below mentioned resolution and you may use the same if you find it appropriate:
“RESOLVED THAT any Directors or Company Secretary of the Company be and is hereby authorised severally to execute, file, and or sign the, forms, returns or documents as and when required to be filed under the Companies Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Company Affairs in digital form or otherwise.
Best Regards
CS Ekta
(Company Secretary)
(309 Points)
Replied 15 July 2009
Thanks for replying.
one more question-
correct me if I am wrong
Even if the directors are generally authorised by the Board resolution, we can always pass a resolution for specific authorsation for the filing of a particular eform
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114778 Points)
Replied 15 July 2009
Ekta you are right.
You can always pass a resolution for specific authorsation for the filing of a particular eform.
(416 Points)
Replied 16 July 2009
Hi Ekta,
I too agree with garg Sir. I am too following the same practice to give general authority to one of directors for signing the E-forms with MCA.Accordingly, Insert the same resoultion no. and same board meeting in each and every E-form uploaded with MCA.
Best Regards,
CS Ankur Srivastava
(Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)
(17853 Points)
Replied 16 July 2009
Totally agree with the above views. It is expedient too, to authorised two or three directors and Company Secretary to file the forms, docuemnts and returns to MCA and mentiond the date and resolution no. each time.
Divya Sharma
(2 Points)
Replied 16 September 2017
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