Secrets of Creating Positive Messages for Self-Improvement

Darshu (CA) (1580 Points)

22 November 2008  


When giving yourself positive, empowering messages, use these 2 secrets.

You can use it to give yourself positive, empowering suggestions when going to sleep for the desired goal achievement or behavior change. These techniques are also used in self-hypnosis.
Secret #1
Say the same message
Say: I have a good memory.
Say: People say that I have a good memory.
Say: (your name) has a good memory.
Say: My teachers say that I have a good memory.
Say: Everybody says that I have a good memory.
Say: You have a good memory.
Secret #2
Say the same message in
Say: I have a good memory.
Say: I remember very well.
Say: I remember whatever read, hear or see.
Say: I enjoy remembering.
Say: I remember and recall in exams.
in many ways:  many ways: