Dear All
I want to know that, How to register new commodity in VAT/CST registration.
Is there any form in this regards.
Please let me know...
Sunil Kumar G
(AGM Taxation)
(373 Points)
Replied 10 April 2012
There is no particular form prescribed under CST Act. You should make an application to the concerned commercial Tax officer with commodity list. Department will amend the certificate and issue with added commodities. Application should be in the letter head.
MJ Krishnamurthy
(7197 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
Mr Umesh,
I beg to differ a little. There is a registration application form in Form A under CST Act 1956. On filing this form properly,a registration certificate is issued in Form B......MJK
(25 Points)
Replied 22 April 2014
our company is vat/cst registered, we are planing to start to sell liquir & Electrical & electronics items if there any addtional registration and commodities to be required for these. Please help me.
P Rasakannu
(21 Points)
Replied 25 November 2014
Dear all,
I need letter format to the CTO to include new commodity in our registration certificate.
Gurdeep Singh
(2 Points)
Replied 10 April 2022
Vat Form 5. has to be filled or Amendment and categary change in E Services. This is for Rajasthan
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