Dear Sir(s),
pl clarify the minimum period of Rebate claim with dept (as dept is advsing after 6 months only). as per my knowledge , maximum time is defined 1 year in law.
Madhukar N Hiregange
(Chartered Accountant)
(39034 Points)
Replied 17 September 2015
Under 11 B it is 1 year.
Niraj Kumar Sinha
(Sr. Officer, SPSIL)
(648 Points)
Replied 21 September 2015
There is no minimum time limit for Rebate Calim. As soon as you submit your Rebate claim file along with all the required documents, you are able to get Rebate Claim. There is maximum period for claiming the Rebate i.e. you have to claim your rebate within one year. After that you can not claim.
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