I can apply for retotalling only after 3 weeks as i am out of country...how late can i apply for retotalling?
Dhanya Rose (Student) (147 Points)
22 January 2011I can apply for retotalling only after 3 weeks as i am out of country...how late can i apply for retotalling?
CA Mohit Thareja
(Assistant Manager-Accounts & Finance)
(1117 Points)
Replied 22 January 2011
the last date for retotalling will be 21st Feb,2011
Dhanya Rose
(147 Points)
Replied 24 January 2011
can i see the link/source of this info mohit?/
5 Verification of answer books:
* After declaration of result the candidate may apply for verification of his / her answer books, within one month from the date of declaration of result.
* The verification fee is Rs. 100/- per paper subject to the maximum of Rs. 400/- for all the papers payable through demand draft in favour of the Secretary, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi 110002. Cash should not be sent with the application.
* There is no standard application form. The application should be prepared on plain A4 size or foolscap paper, necessarily in the candidate's own handwriting (in English language if medium of examination was English else in Hindi language) and signature clearly indicating the following:
o Name of the examination: eg. PE - I
o Name of the candidate
o Roll No
o Registration No
o Month and year of appearance
o Papers in which verification required
Paper No/s and name of the papers
o Complete postal address
* Only one application is required to be submitted irrespective of number of answer books for which verification sought. Do not send separate application for each paper.
* Typed/printed applications and applications written by others are not entertained.
* There is no provision for revaluation of papers.
* E-mails are not entertained.
* Candidates are advised to fill up the examination form for the forthcoming examination, if they so desire, without waiting for and pending receipt of the outcome of verification of answer books of the previous examination.
The Additional Secretary (Exam)
ICAI Bhawan
Post Box No. 7112
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi – 110 002.
CA Mohit Thareja
(Assistant Manager-Accounts & Finance)
(1117 Points)
Replied 24 January 2011
Originally posted by : Dhanya Rose | ||
can i see the link/source of this info mohit?/ |
Dear Dhanya Rose,
the source of the information is www.icai.org.in
in all the attempts,the date of retotalling is within on emonth of declaration of results,i.e why it's 21 Feb,2011.
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