Can anyone explain the treatment of Prior period expenses in Accounts and In taxation....???
ANJALI NEGI (Chartered Accountant) (1263 Points)
18 October 2012Can anyone explain the treatment of Prior period expenses in Accounts and In taxation....???
know your self
(knowledge is power of student)
(98 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
prior period items are income or expenses, which arise, in the current period as a
(Chartered Accountant)
(1263 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
okk then what about treatment in Tax..
CA Abhilasha Bhagat
(466 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
Prior period exp. are diallowed in Income tax. As per section 37, exp. should be incurred in current year.
know your self
(knowledge is power of student)
(98 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
I hope so tax will be calculated after such adjustment.
(sorry this ans may be a wrong)
(Chartered Accountant)
(1263 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
Okk then can u explain me in which year they are actually allowed??
CA Abhilasha Bhagat
(466 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
It can be allowed in the year in which exp was actually incurred by way of revised return.
(Chartered Accountant)
(1263 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
but u said that they are disallowed while computing taxable income then how thay are allowed??? i didnt get it ??
(Chartered Accountant)
(1263 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
Rakesh sir,
i understood that they are added back to profit for the purpose of computing taxable income but ..i just want u know whether in any year can we avail the benefit of such expense if not in the current year??
(Chartered Accountant)
(1263 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
Dear mam how can i show the expense in revise return which i actually didnt paid..As i pai
d the same in the current year
CA Abhilasha Bhagat
(466 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
Suppose an exp. is incurred in F.Y. 2010-11 and it was omitted and not recorded in that year. And you record it in 2011-12, then exp. can be allowed in the year 2010-11 return.
CA Abhilasha Bhagat
(466 Points)
Replied 18 October 2012
U hav to book exp. on accrual basis, so u can Dr. in earlier year on accrual basis even if it is not paid..
Nitesh Matta
(198 Points)
Replied 19 October 2012
depends if prior period item is expense and u havent taken the deduction it will be deducted from p&l a/c..
and in accounts, if salaries is the peior period item then it will be
prior period salaries a/c ... dr
to banka/c
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