Hey friends
please if anyone has a IT project on then please send to shivanishah91 @ gmail.com
i need it urgently only a few days left till submission
(32 Points)
Replied 08 November 2010
Hey friends
please if anyone has a IT project on then please send to shivanishah91 @ gmail.com
i need it urgently only a few days left till submission
(21 Points)
Replied 11 November 2010
Hey guyz, if anybody has itt project on "Formatting in ms-excel", kindly send it to prasanthegr8 @ gmail.com.
any other project wud also be very helpful as i just need to know the layout of the project and how to extend it to 20 slides...
CA Vasiullah (Vasi)
(Audit Executive)
(1813 Points)
Replied 11 November 2010
I've Project on Internet.......... its available on this site also.
(30 Points)
Replied 03 February 2011
hello frnz plz provide me a project on tally and excel for ITT urgently u can email m at anki_koolldude @ yahoo.co.in..
plz do help yr its very imp....
(ipcc student)
(147 Points)
Replied 11 December 2011
can u pls send me the itt projects on priya.jain343 @ gmail.com
(in class)
(21 Points)
Replied 01 March 2012
Hello friends,
if you have the IT400 project, please send it to
moregoodercomputers @ hotmail (dot) com
thank you!
(36 Points)
Replied 26 June 2012
pls pls help me give an itt project on any company where there is a lot of use of ms excel n ms access n ofcouse a lot of powerpoint options being used send me on connectwidsmritijain @ gmail.com
Suresh Ca
(1 Points)
Replied 23 December 2015
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)