Need help .........
DEEPA VYAS (CA ) (2039 Points)
09 July 2013DEEPA VYAS (CA ) (2039 Points)
09 July 2013
(CA Final )
(324 Points)
Replied 09 July 2013
U shud take form 16 as base and add any more details the employee gives.(eg,medical bills,interest on loan,80C investments etc..)
In other words,if employee has bills which were not submitted to the employer, they can be considered.
But this will not apply to telephone bills,only medical re-imbursements.
(82 Points)
Replied 12 July 2013
Exemption for medical & telephone bills are available only if it is in form of reimbursement but if your employer does not give exemption in form 16 due to non-submission of bills,it will be treated as fixed allowance and hence fully chargeable to tax.So, its better not to provide exemption in return.
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