Mukesh Choraria (Professional Motivator) (853 Points)

11 February 2011  

Here is the tip for success today, make more mistakes and failures.

You will think that “what the hell is going on with you ? Are you out of your mind? I’m looking for success here and not failure?!” Well, let me ask you this, “in your road to success, what will you encounter? Failure?” Yes, it is failure that we are going to encounter the most in our journey to success. It is the failure that brings you your success. I still remember that one of my friends told me that the more people reject you, the more money you will make. Just an example here, if you present your product to your prospects, and just assume that 1 product sale is going to make you $50, and out of 100 prospects, you will close 10 sales. Did you what does this mean? It means that every one of your prospects who reject you is going to make you $5! So the more people reject you, the more money you are going to earn.


So you can see now, it is the failure that is going to determine your success! What is more important here is to make sure that you take failure as feedback, never give up, then try with new plan and strategy. If you keep on doing this, I can guarantee that you will achieve your dreams and goals eventually. Take a look at Thomas Edison, the one who invented the light bulb, he failed more than 10,000 times in his experiments before he finally invented the light bulb. Failure is not something bad actually, it depends on how you respond towards failure. If you give up the moment you face setback, then it will be a bad thing for you. However, if you treat failure as feedback, then it will be something good that can lead you to your success.




In fact, every failure that you face in your life is knowledge and experience. For me, failure is something that will let you know, when you repeat that thing or process, you are going to fail! It is going to shorten your road to success and it will tell you which road you should not take so that you are not going to fail. Even someone who are very successful makes mistake and fail before. Take a look at Donald Trump, do you think that he never failed before? How about Robert Kiyosaki, the favorite financial guru of most of the people? Yes, he failed quite a lot of times before he succeeds.



So you want to success in your life? Then fail more, and you will achieve it faster........

p.s.  THe best ever motivational video you will ever ever ever get....................................

               If you really understood it you will Curse yourself for Quiting .......................................................'