Make the fear disappear

DEVIL-Liv every moment of life (ca final) (1735 Points)

03 September 2013  

Make the fear disappearenlightenedenlightened

Almost all our fears are now self-created.

We scare ourselves by imagining negative outcomes to any activity we might pursue or experience.

 Because we are the ones imagining, we are also the ones who can stop fear and bring ourselves into a state of clarity by facing the actual facts, rather than giving in to our imaginations.

 Psychologists like to say that fear means:


One way to make it disappear is instead of imagining the worst possible scenario replace it with the opposite.

Take a sheet of paper write one top goal but have been too fearful to begin.

Below it write down what would happen if you were to succeed.

 How would your life look? What results would you see?

How would you feel every day? What would be able to do in life?

What would you buy from the money you earn?

 Keep going until you write down all the positive results that can come from taking a risk.

Re-read it and as you do read it with feeling.

Close your eyes after each one and imagine it.

Put yourself in the future that you want.

How does that make you feel about taking action?

A lot less scary right?devil

Instead you feel motivated and ready to do what it takes.

You might even begin smiling.enlightenedyes



SOURCE- Mail (modified)