Make some short-cut

Pratik K (Student) (3406 Points)

07 January 2009  

Make some short-cut ..make ur life easy.right click -->new--> short-cut n type

1.To lock The Computer :

>> Create a shortcut with the path rundll32.exeuser32.dll,LockWorkStation.
>> The Windows key + L is also a shortcut to this feature.

2.Creating The Suspend Shortcut:
Right click on the Desktop .New / Shortcut. Enter in rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState . Give it whatever name you want. Now when you click on that shortcut, your computer will shutdown and suspend.

3.Access The Task Manager Easier :

>>You can make a shortcut that points to %windir%\system32\taskmgr.exe Use key combinations
