Just For Today

Suresh Prasad (www.aubsp.com) (15630 Points)

24 February 2011  


Just For Today


Just for today I will be happy and smile at everyone.


Just for today I will try to accept where I am, and not try to adjust everything to what I want.

Just for today I will try to give my mind more strength and knowledge.

Just for today I will take care of my physical self-my body.

Just for today I will also nurture my spiritual self and serve God who is the head of all.

Just for today I will let my spirit heal.

Just for today I will try to lend a helping hand to someone who is broken.

Just for today I will not let self become overwhelmed with inward pain.

Just for today I will take a time to remember that I have blessings untold.

Just for today I will remember that I have everything I need and many things I want.

Just for today I will not let anything upset me.

Just for today I will not be discouraged.

Just for today I will have faith in everything.

Just for today I will set an example.

Just for today I will not think negative thoughts, if they come, I will change what I am thinking.

Just for today I will tell someone I love them.

Just for today I will let my mind believe the impossible.

Just for today I will embrace today as if there is no tomorrow.

Just for today I will forget and forgive so that I can be forgiven.

Just for today I will not lean unto my own understanding; but relay on God's Wisdom.

Just for today I will be at peace with all humanity.

Just for today I will pray for peace in our Nation.

Just for today I will not complain about my trials, they are for growing and leaning.

Just for today I will not spend too much money.

Just for today I will not be too conservative, I will help someone who has less.


Just for today I will take what I am served knowing someone out there is being served much worse.

Just for today I will accept what life brings, though I may not understand, because I know that God has a plan; I am sure His plan is for my own good.

Just for today I will have complete harmony in my life; as tomorrow will be today when it arrives, if it comes.

It is really hard sometimes to live just for today, but you know what, we would be so much better off, don’t you think? We came into this world with nothing and when we are gone, we will take nothing with us. If you really think about it…..we only have today for all we know. We bring into our world a lot of unnecessary worry because we think too much about tomorrow, which really never comes, because it is actually today. If we live the way we should today, tomorrow will be taken care of anyway and we must have faith that things will occur that is to our good.