Provide me information, What is ISO Audit, which companies need to have ISO 9001 certificate, What are updated ISO Standards followed by companies. procedure for ISO Audit .
Anand Raghavendra
(Manager-Internal Audit)
(111 Points)
Replied 27 July 2012
INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANISATION (ISO) has some quality audits to certify the company for making them identifiable to all those who are dealing with them and know that the systems and all activities are qualitatively managed .For easie understanding and ISO company shall afix ISO no which would convey to all that they are complaint to a certain level of Internal checks and controls.The ISO Number indicates a class of the company each trade has a different indication like MFG,hospitals health care etc have different numbering system.These are useful for attarcting trade.You have consultants who will give proper trainning for the following the system You have exams to write to qualify as an ISO auditor
Noah Isabella
(2 Points)
Replied 23 September 2020
An ISO Audit is basic terms means checking to ensure you are actually doing what you say you are doing. During an ISO audit you: verify that the management system is in compliance with the relevant ISO standard. check to ensure that the actions taken to meet the quality objectives of the organisation are suitable.
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