Income Tax

mahesh (NA) (65 Points)

09 February 2011  

My daughter turns 18 on 16th Feb 2010. How is tax treated for her period ending 31/311 ( Income  from 1/4/10 to 31/3/11) .She is a non-resident and PIO .

 For the full year or proportionately from 16th Feb 2011 till 31/3/11 on the following;
 a) rental income.
b) interest income on rental deposit -current and previous years.
c) property tax paid and 30% expenses allowed on rental income.
d) Personal tax rebate of Rs190,000/160,000 ??
e) Sec 80C investments.
All  above income till 31/3/10 was clubbed with mother's income.
Also do we need to show proof of 30% expenses by way of receipts and invoices or its allowed irrespective.
