How to avoid bad habits.

PIYUSH SINGH (student) (2471 Points)

24 December 2011  


King Janak had acquired true knowledge through long practice of dedication and devotion.

Once, a man came to seek his advice on how to conrol anger. Janak listened to him and realised his problem; he went to the pillar, put both his hands around it and encircled it tightly, and started shouting: ‘Please help me! The pillar has caught me and it is not leaving me.”

The man who had come to seek his advice laughed and said: ‘O king, the pillar has not caught you but you have caught it. So you have to leave the pillar yourself.’

The king replied : ‘That is what you have to do. You have to leave anger. It is you who have caught anger; it will go away if you do not catch it.’ The man became wiser and resolved to follow the king’s advice.

This is how we can shun bad habits by keeping away from them. In case we have acquired any, we have to leave them with full determination. yes