is name of city manadatory on the stamp for individual practice.
round stamp with name, chartered accountant, and membership no is proper or not.
Please advice !!
ashish gupta ( student) (1922 Points)
10 December 2011is name of city manadatory on the stamp for individual practice.
round stamp with name, chartered accountant, and membership no is proper or not.
Please advice !!
(14607 Points)
Replied 10 December 2011
IN my view,
the answer of you query is No there is no mandatory that name of the city should be there on the round stamp of the individual chartered accountant.
there must be membership number and the word charetered accountantand and also the firm name.
now the firm registration number is also mandatory...
Let see the other member to reply for the same..
ashish gupta
( student)
(1922 Points)
Replied 10 December 2011
firm name is not registered and i am practising in my individual name so my name the word chartered accoutant and membership no is sufficient ?
(14607 Points)
Replied 11 December 2011
Okey than it is sufficient.
You are talking about that round stamp than your name will not come in that ...
Only your firm name and the word chartered accountant and your membership number is sufficient.
(14607 Points)
Replied 12 December 2011
Please ignore my earlier reply. You can Put your Name, Chartered Accountants & Membership no. City name is not necessary.
CA Abhinav Jain
(63 Points)
Replied 19 November 2012
can ca logo also be used
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