!..don't talk about negative thoughts..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

12 February 2013  

Hello All......

Tyler Durden from the Fight Club says, "The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club"


The same is true about negative thoughts.

Know that no thought lives in your mind rent free. Negative thoughts take up space and the cripple your capacity to function at your optimal capacity as a loving human being.


Here are several hindrances to love:

- Unforgiveness


Harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison while expecting the other party to die. Talking about the injustice is reliving the negativity over and over again. A lot of people who die of stress or bitterness has a lot of this.


- Jealousy


Hindrances to love come in many forms and one of them is through a lack of gratitude. Jealousy says, "I want what you have and because I can't have that, I hate you." Being jealous of others is destructive to your thoughts. Don't talk about this with others because it will make you look bad too.


- Self Pity


The last thing you need in life is to tell yourself that you are no good. You are here for a reason and it will be a great insult to the universe by telling yourself that you don't matter.

- Complaining


What you focus on expands. If you complain about the bad weather, you are telling the universe to give you more of it. It creates an endless cycle of complaining and more reason to complain about something.


So we learn by making mistakes.

And this is PAINFUL.



You are a process.

You change constantly, doesn’t matter if you are aware of it or not. Every day you meet people, you encounter new circumstances that have a certain influence of you, that change your beliefs, your attitudes, your behaviors.


Take control of yourself. You need to develop yourself, you are designed to evolve.

If you want to break the cycle of negative thoughts, then it is time to focus your thoughts on positive ones.


The Second Rule About Negative Thoughts Is You Don't Talk About Negative Thoughts...


Warm Regads,


!..Have a Happy Valentine Week..!