Originally posted by : CA Dinesh Saini |
Can anyone provide me format of affidavit for the following problem. As i have got mail from ROC regarding formation fo comapny for one of my client.
Under Regulation 17 of the Companies Regulations, 1956
in subcriber page of Moa/Aoa details of subcriber to be transalated into English version by witness on same page,affidavit is required from Witness by saying that both the subscribers understood the english contents of MOA & AOA.
Plz provide me format of affidavit.
my mail id is dineshsaini @ icai.org |
Dear Dinesh Saini Ji,
The ROC is correct.
the subscriber cannot understand English Language, (where MOA/AOA is drafted in ENGLISH LANGUAGE) or
the subscriber is an illiterate
the witness needs to explain the contents completely and sign to this extent.
The procedure, ROC is advising to you, needs to be observed.
A VIDEO on 'The Companies Act, 1956, Sec 12' is available on YouTube, which may enable you to notice this point among others.
For quite some time, VIDEOS on the Compnaies Act, 1956 Section-by-Section are availalbe on YouTube, you may watch, whenever you feel.
Thank you
venkateswara rao sapare
venkateswararaosapare @ gmail.com