If the company is in operation from last 4 years but has fallen under eligibility of cost audit in current year, should the previous year data be provided or it should be left as NILas this is its first cost audit.
Pratyush (Finance Controller) (41 Points)
23 May 2021Hi
If the company is in operation from last 4 years but has fallen under eligibility of cost audit in current year, should the previous year data be provided or it should be left as NILas this is its first cost audit.
CA. Sourav Sarkar
(Chartered Accountant )
(24583 Points)
Replied 23 May 2021
debora M
(1697 Points)
Replied 22 September 2021
Cost audit is the verification of cost accounts to determine the accuracy of cost accounting records. It is a means to ensure that cost accounting records are in track with the costing principles, plans, procedures and objective. The audit usually involves. Verification that costing records are accurate.
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