Contradictory Proverbs

CA Yamini (CA) (981 Points)

20 June 2011  

1. "All good things come to those who wait"


     "Time and Tide wait for none" 


2. "The pen is mighter than a sword"


      "Actions speaks louder than words"


3."Many hands make the work lighter"


    "Too many cooks spoil the broth"

4. "Doubt is the beginning of wisdom"


     "Faith moves mountains"


5."Practice makes man perfect"


    "No one is perfect"..........


confused..................rolling eyes..................thinking........................

Our minds are still largely a mystery to most of us.

We CAN learn the right way of thinking and change our reality..

We can attract the lifestyle we want and deserve; we can be healthy, wealthy and wise only If we learn and apply the scientific TRUTH behind the power of our thoughts…......happy........thumbs up......