Dear Sir/ Madam,
कंपनी का ऑफिस मंदसौर से उज्जैन में शिफ्ट करना हे कृपया इसके लिए क्या प्रोसीजर अपनानी पड़ेगी बताये
मंदसौर और उज्जैन एक ही ROC में आते हे
CA. Praveen Gupta (CA ) (346 Points)
20 November 2013Dear Sir/ Madam,
कंपनी का ऑफिस मंदसौर से उज्जैन में शिफ्ट करना हे कृपया इसके लिए क्या प्रोसीजर अपनानी पड़ेगी बताये
मंदसौर और उज्जैन एक ही ROC में आते हे
sushil kumar
( CA Final-Audit Assistant)
(528 Points)
Replied 20 November 2013
Dear Sir,
If company wishes to shift or change its registered office outside local limits of city, town or village, Form 23 and Form 18 are required to be filed to ROC to give effect to such change.
Charu Srivastava
(Company Secretary)
(4210 Points)
Replied 21 November 2013
Convene a Board Meeting to consider the proposal of shifting of registered office and approve the notice calling General Meeting of members.
2. Issue the notice of General Meeting to all members eligible to receive the same.
3. Hold General Meeting and pass the Special Resolution.
4. File Form 23 within 30 days of passing of Special Resolution.
Requirements for Form 23:
(a) Notice, Explanatory statement and extract of Special Resolution are to be attached.
5. File Form 18 with the RoC within 30 days of passing of Special Resolution.
Requirements for Form 18:
(a) Police Station jurisdiction for new address
(b) SRN of Form 23
(c) Extracts of Board Resolution and Special Resolution (optional).
6. Give intimation of change in the situation of registered office to all the concerned and make necessary corrections in the name board, stationery and records of the company wherever it is required
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