Cancellation / deactivation of din

CS Ankur Srivastava (Company Secretary & Compliance Officer)   (17853 Points)

16 March 2013  

Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a Notification dated 15/03/2013 and amended the Companies (Directors Identification Number) Rules, 2006 to provide for the Cancellation or Deactivation of DIN. Accordingly, an application may be made to the Central Government or Regional Director (Northern Region), Noida or any officer authorised by the Regional Director for cancellation or deactivation of DIN in the following cases:


(a) the DIN is found to be duplicate;

(b) the DIN was obtained by wrongful manner or fraudulent means;

(c) of the death of the concerned individual;

(d) the concerned individual has been declared as lunatic by the competent Court;

(e) if the concerned individual has been adjudicated an insolvent;


upon being satisfied on verification of particulars of proof attached with the application received from any person seeking cancellation or deactivation of DIN the Central Government or Regional Director (NR), Noida or any other officer authorised by the Regional Director (NR) may cancel or deactivate the allotted DIN.


Provided that before cancellation or deactivation of DIN under clause (b), an opportunity of being heard shall be given to the concerned individual.


Detailed notification is attached herewith for your kind perusal.