can somebody provide me with the ITT questions. which I can Read and easily pass the exam like module 1,2, online,etc.
need Urgently..
Abhishek Sharma
abhishek sharma (yet to join) (41 Points)
09 September 2010hi....
can somebody provide me with the ITT questions. which I can Read and easily pass the exam like module 1,2, online,etc.
need Urgently..
Abhishek Sharma
(Senior Associate Consultant)
(1231 Points)
Replied 09 September 2010
Madhusudan Kabra
(knowledge seeker)
(1779 Points)
Replied 09 September 2010
(Financial Services)
(938 Points)
Replied 09 September 2010
Attached herewith questions which u can read before xam but my advice is to take a look of important topics, Abbreviations and charts given in modules.
tirthesh shah
(125 Points)
Replied 10 September 2010
for module 1 focus on basics of computer,shortcut keys & abbreviations etc
for module 2 focus on database,internet,tally's theory
for online test read firstly all the highlighted text in both modules this is enough to pass out the all itt exams
(2 Points)
Replied 05 February 2019
On the Internet, I found a sound system, wireless. Good system https://geek lah.com/best-wir eless-surrou nd-sou nd-syste m.H T M L
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