CA final preparation

swarup Datta (Asst Manager Accounts) (175 Points)

07 September 2010  

Dear Sir/ Madam,

                               I am a Cost accountant and completred CA inter long back. I wish to appear for CA final in new syllabus. I require one suggestion . Whether with some preparation i should appear in May'2011 or with full preparation i should appear in Nov'2011. I am in service . I can't leave job very easily. I have to complete Ca final with job.To get very well prepared i have to devote time and i can give only 3 hrs per day. Before exam i can take leave for 15 days only. Just guide me . I do self study.

                     Someone tolld me that one should appear always even he is not prepared adequately.But my own conscience tell that preparation is required to pass CA final and without proper preparation it is difficult to pass the exam.

                     I would remain ever grateful to him who would give right solution  for  the above problem.


Swarup Datta

Cost Accountant