Beware on this festive season

Deepak kumar sharma (Govt. job) (2946 Points)

27 October 2012  

As we are a large family, i feel its my duty to make aware you about this issue. This time diwali and exams are at the same time. So this message is vital important.


Yesterday, I read in newspaper that supplies of milk is only 5% of the demand of sweets made by milk. So what will be the quality of rest 95% milk-based sweet, one can easily assume. So it’s better to avoid milk-made sweets. It doesn’t mean that non-milk consuming sweets are pure and good. They may be also adulterated.  Colorful sweets are also harmful.


Sample checking of total quantity is less than 1 % of total products. Last year, Govt. agencies ran “war for the pure” program but this time nothing such special is happening.


There are lots of techniques to check purity is available on internet and newspapers but we hardly put efforts.


So what is the remedy???????

Better to use dry-fruits, fruits and homemade sweets.

Take care of your health as it is wealth