pls suggest whether to refer ICAI Study Mat for Audit or some other AUTHOR'S notes ?
I think Surbhi Bansal Audit Book is not that good.
Any other author or Study Mat ?
(82 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(CA-CWA in industry)
(5464 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
As per my experiance .. surbhi bansal notes are very concise for proff ethics. Infact SAs are very well covered.
See main thing is your examiner is expecting you to answer what the authors have written in icai modules So whatever you may refer should not leave the icai module part.
i have seen to become popular in coaching business.. teachers have used very non technical language in their books.. as a result their classes finish early .. and students too feel good while reading as they suffer less headaches. But when the result comes .. it gets increased.
My suggestion would be .. ( what i used to do at my times) open all books together in your basic learning days... like if you are doing some chapter on Internal control .. see what the icai module has given .. read it .. and then to remember it make notes. in fact you can take help of summarise notes of teachers in market and add your own points. If you ask me which combination you should use.. i would say pick up AS Foundation book on auditing ( by v k agarwal) and do it .. keeping module ready as reference.
Good luck ahead
(25955 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(Student CA Final )
(30 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(26 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(42 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(Student CA Final )
(47 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
(CA Final Student)
(699 Points)
Replied 12 June 2015
Thanks everyone for d valuable suggestions.
sumit goyal
(27 Points)
Replied 13 June 2015
sumit goyal
(27 Points)
Replied 13 June 2015
Shiwali Shukla
(33 Points)
Replied 13 June 2015
CA Anshul Jain
(audit executive)
(29 Points)
Replied 13 June 2015