Aspirations v/s circumstances

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)

14 October 2012  

hey ya ...

A  very good day to all .... Today I want your little help friends, over an issue regarding one of my frns .....  I could even present my views over the same .... But she thinks my decision is biased  as I know her better ..... so she wants a general view  over her problem.  So I am also trying to give the same picture as it is .... so that no one's decision become biased due to my opinion.


okay here is the problem ....

She is from delhi as well and got 87 % in her school time. So obviously, she was an Intelligent girl.She got herself enrolled into CPT along with her college. She met with an accident during her college days  which affected her performance and her % was around 52-55 %.

 And on the other side , she completed her CPT with 170 marks. But as accident has affected her college exams but still she managed to clear her PCC in first attempt by itself.

She was ready to give her may12 exam, but again she met with an accident. So she was not in a position to give exams. Now she filled the exam forms for nov 12.


But all ups and down made her feeble and weak she has lost her confidence. Now she doubts whether she should give a break  to CA. And  try it for the next year and in this time gap enrol herself for MBA.

or either accept the life as it is and go for exam and face whatever comes in her life .... "Success or failure"


And please keep in mind one fact as well .....


"when an average person falls,he/she can handle with ups and downs..... But a person who has seen success always .......even in bad times .... a single failure is enough to break him/her for lifetime."