can anyone tell me around what time i can expect my articleship registration letter to be deleivered at my place,as i got registerd and submitted my articleship form around 1 month back...
anchal kapoor (ca final) (74 Points)
24 June 2009hi..
can anyone tell me around what time i can expect my articleship registration letter to be deleivered at my place,as i got registerd and submitted my articleship form around 1 month back...
even i dinnt receive any letter of confirmation from the INSTITUTE AFTER I REREGISTERED after taking a transfer some 7 months back...But data has been updated in the Institute....I submitted the forms 103 etc in person and the only acknowlwdgement i ahve is the chappa( Institute seal on one copy of form 103 whic i have )....thats the only proof i have till now...
And recently i enquired with the Institute....and they said its not necessary and they informed me abt the current status of mine with the Institute data base.....
Better u pls call the Instite or go in person and confirm urself ur entry as student has beeen updated in the records.....
nikhil goyal
(89 Points)
Replied 21 September 2010
nikhil goyal
(89 Points)
Replied 21 September 2010
if anyone know about article registration confirmation site or address please send me at nikhil.goyal208 @ gmail.com thanx
(37 Points)
Replied 16 December 2011
I have not received my articleship registration letter till now.I have registered on 5 september,2011.can anyone tell me what procedure should I follow?
amit jain
(Chartered Accountant)
(532 Points)
Replied 16 December 2011
it takes around 1.5 to 2 months for details contact your regional centre or visit you they will guide on the same
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