Additional director included in total number for sec 152?

Page no : 2

Venkatesh Dangeti (CA Final) (883 Points)
Replied 10 April 2022

Additional director shall hold office upto the time of commencement of next agm. So, when he will not be there at agm, how can he come in the ambit of rotation. So he shall be excluded from total number of directors for the purpose of calculation of 2/3

Venkatesh Dangeti (CA Final) (883 Points)
Replied 10 April 2022

Further clarity for exams point of view

Also nominee directors of lic and uti (set up under special act) shall be excluded from total number but director appointed as nominee of banks shall be included and accommodated in non-rotational director slot.

If nothing specified in question, assume he is nominee of bank and include him in total and accommodate him in non rotational directors

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