!..is happiness a natural state..!

Sanket (!..Live to Give..!) (16427 Points)

16 March 2013  


When we were little, our parents used to tell us, “You have to eat you veggies first and then you’ll get dessert.”


There was a logical explanation, “If you ate sweets first, you won’t finish your meal.”


Makes sense!


Who would want to eat disgusting veggies after delicious hot fudge sundae?


From early childhood we are taught that good things do not just happen to us. That we need to work hard, suffer, face difficulties, solve problems and maybe, just maybe, later we would get what we really want.


The real question is, “Why do things have to be this way?” Why do we accept that if there is no pain, there is no gain? Who said this?!


I do not know, who said it, but the man was definitely a genius! Our society tends to accept this belief as an axiom, something that has never been proved, but is considered to be self-evident.


Similar many people believe that pain is an inevitable part of life. We are taught that suffering should be “offered up” to God in order to deserve forgiveness. Or that life is a trial. It is a school, where we have to learn things the hard way.


If I told you that happiness is a natural state of being and that you deserve to have an extraordinary life, full of joy and success, would you believe me?


Negative beliefs form our reality.


Take for example, a phrase “No pain, no gain”. This phrase alone can be the major reason, why most people are struggling to lose weight. They have come to believe that having a toned, great looking body means starving on a diet, torturing themselves by lifting weights in a gym, going through painful surgery and having to give up half of the food they like. Weight loss has almost become a synonym for pain and suffering. When in reality there are plenty of people, who lose weight without having to drastically changing their lifestyle or give up food that they love.

Take another example, if you have been told time and again that “Rich people get their fortune by lying, cheating and stealing”, or that “Rich people are selfish, dishonest and greedy”, you will probably come to a conclusion that if you become rich, people will not like you anymore or that your friends will reject you, because you are successful.


Go ahead and take a look at your present belief system. Are there any negative beliefs that have been imposed on you by your parents, teachers, friends, mass media or society? Do they continue to sabotage your chances of success?


Make it a habit to questions your negative beliefs. If your beliefs are not working for you, it is time to change them!


All The Best yes ... .. . Lets Rock The Life enlightened