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88 KB

Recent Case Laws

Summary on Some Recent case Laws of DT and IDT....

Posted on 13 April 2009  (Downloads: 744) Income Tax

pdf File
37 KB

TDS at a Glance n in Details

Containin whole TDS Summary with Description...

Posted on 15 June 2008  (Downloads: 1375) Income Tax

pps File
157 KB

A to Z Stress Mgt.

Files Contains how to manage stress by the help of alzebra...

Posted on 20 February 2008  (Downloads: 468) Career

doc File
67 KB

FBT File

FBT at a glance...

Posted on 18 February 2008  (Downloads: 253) Income Tax

pdf File
27 KB

Form 49(1)

UTI Form 49 a (1)...

Posted on 18 February 2008  (Downloads: 147) Income Tax

doc File
31 KB

TDS Revised Return

Name of the Correction return...

Posted on 13 December 2007  (Downloads: 353) Income Tax

xls File
22 KB

TDS Rates

TDS Rates for the F/Y 207-08...

Posted on 12 December 2007  (Downloads: 297) Income Tax