Where do we enter stcg and intraday income in ITR 3?

gunturboy26 (Self Employed) (217 Points)

24 July 2018  

Hello everyone. My friend had filed ITR through third party websites before because he had only FD interest. This year he invested in stock market, so he has some STCG and intraday business income, he also got some dividends from companies.

We tried to file ITR 3 ourselves, but as you know it is vast, so we could not fill it properly and we wanted to buy paid plans but the charges are big for our small income. So, we are asking for your help.

We need to know which sections we have to fill these in.

1)STCG on equity shares

2)intraday business income

Exempt income

1)savings account intrest

2)ppf interest

3)dividends from shares

Mr. Dhirajlal Rambhia and others, can you please tell us.

Thank you.