Sft transactions credit card; income tax


I have one credit card. And last year i.e., Jan 2022- Jan 2023 i have used it for approximately 4.5lac (credit card payments). My reported income is 9.5lac. Majority of payments were done via online transactions from my mother's account. None of the payments were made via cash except one of around 50k. I do file my tax and so does my mother. Can this be a problem? Because i use a different account to pay for online transactions and it only has transactions from my mother's account. I have never mentioned that account in my filings ever. However my mother's account is shown for filling purposes so every transaction made to my account is shown there. Can I receive an inquiry on this issue i.e., 4.5 lac that I've paid in credit card bills this year? First credit card user so not much information on this.