Seeing Light


Hai Friends this story (real story took place in Australia) which in website which really touched my heart i hope u will be too.....


A Sunset in Melbourne is a little like grace. It can take you by surprise. 

Against a stern city skyline, the world suddenly softens. 

I think it was William Blake who once said that "Colours are the wounds of light." In Melbourne this truth is never more boldly apparent, than at sunset. 

I've lost count of the times I've sat in quiet awe as the wounded sky bled pastel peace across the land. Tender shades of apricot, rose and burnt sienna rising in waves of layered comfort to embrace a tired city. 

It was on such an evening not very long ago, as the sky made secret love to the world, that I walked through the doors of the Childrens hospital, stethescope round my neck, to start an evening shift in the emergency department. 

Funnily enough, on the very same site as the hospital, there resides a little Macdonalds restaurant. (The ethics of which I'll leave to those who are wiser and more knowledgeable than I to discuss.) 

On this particular day, prior to starting my shift, I felt a sudden, distinct craving for ice cream. 

So I wandered into the bustling eatery and took my place in the queue which stretched at least 20 deep before me . 

The man immediately in front of me seemed very different from the other customers waiting to be served. 

He wore a long olive brown coat. It was the kind of coat that had probably seen more than most people in that restaurant ever had. Mottled, frayed, covered in little jagged edged holes and layers of accumulated dirt. His calloused fingers curved tightly around the ends of its tattered sleeves the way a frightened baby clings to its mother. 

His wild beard was coarse and unkempt. And with every step he took, the smell of cheap beer walked with him. 

He was one of the 'unseen'. The 'unrespectable'. And every one around him knew it. 

As I thought about the kind of life he must live, he suddenly turned around and looked directly at me. 

His face was a portrait of pain. Red eyes burning from a face that was wrinkled before its time. Lips dry, cracked and ulcerated. Teeth chipped and almost as yellow as his jaundiced skin. 

For what seemed like an eternity, he stood motionless. Glaring at me with a fearless intensity. 

I pretended not to feel his piercing gaze as I looked at my watch and then at the Menu behind the counter. Others in the restaurant noticed too and moved uncomfortably in their seats. 

After several minutes he said in a loud husky voice: 

"Hey Doc, Is it the end of your shift?" 

I looked at him and replied "No I'm just starting mate." 

After a moments pause, he took two small steps forward, and put a hand on my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the security guard also edge closer. 

Then he spoke these words, soft and clear. 

"Why don't you go in front of me, Doc. 

I'm not in a hurry." 

There is a Swazi greeting "Sawbona". It means 'I see you'. 

In that crowded Macdonalds restaurant that evening, I was 'seen' by an 'unseen' man. 

And as I looked upon him again, I saw 

A soft light templed in his face. 

The same light I had seen rapturing the skies just minutes earlier.

And I wondered how I could have missed it before. ...