Are additional directors considered while counting the no. of those directors who areliable to retire, please clarify
Khushboo Maheshwari (Company Secretary) (548 Points)
29 May 2010Are additional directors considered while counting the no. of those directors who areliable to retire, please clarify
(58 Points)
Replied 29 May 2010
additional directors hold the office till the next AGM;therefore not included in the Total no. of diretors' for the purpoe of S.255 &256.
So additional directors are not RETIRING DIRECTORS
Ratti Wahal
(Company Secretary)
(139 Points)
Replied 29 May 2010
Dear Ms. Khushboo,
In my opinion, the additional directors would not be counted in the total number of directors who are liable to retire by rotation.
Ratti Wahal
(922 Points)
Replied 30 May 2010
Additional directors are not to counted for total no of directors to retire by rotation.
Sec 260 clearly says that noting in SEC 255 shall affect............
(CS CWA MBA (Fin) B.Com LL.B (Spl))
(6501 Points)
Replied 30 May 2010
Agree with the above views.
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