Originally posted by : Vikash Kumar |
U mean to pay and file service tax return for the 2nd half only or for both half year?
lots of confussion u carry :)
1. u have to divide ur GTA in two parts a) transport bills above 750 ( where ur consignment is only charged) and b) above 1500 ( where u have hired a full vehicle )
2. monthwise u have to calculate total of such transactions
3. take abatement of 75% on gross such transactions ( generally its nominal in value)
4. pay for oct/nov /dec in jan and for jan/feb/mar in march, file return in april by 25th
5. for april-sept 1st of all determine the taxable figure, and if possible then shift the liability to 2nd half by switching the payment dates.
for earlier years u have to wait for departmental audit, disclose the facts to them and show that unwilingly its done, in absence of proper guidelines, they will help u surely as u r wiling to pay the revenue.